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Design and Construction of Alberta Wheat Pool's Annex No. 4

Geschrieben von Scalzo, P.A. bearbeitet von mhd am 24. Nov. 2023
V.B. Cook Co. Limited is proud to have participated in a project that they believe to be a trend setter in modern, safe and efficient grain storage facilities. On January 22, 1979 the Honourable Otto Lang, Minister of Transport, pushed the control switch to begin grain flowing from Alberta Wheat Pool's Annex No. 4 storage bins which are part of its Vancouver Terminal No. 1.

The new annex is both architecturally aesthetic and compatible with waterfront and nearby residential areas. It gives the terminal sufficient reserve storage to allow ship loadout for 10 days if incoming railcar supply was interrupted. Built for maximum safety with numerous precautions against explosions, the 2.8 million bushel annex is completely automated and remotely controlled from a central panel (Fig. 1).

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