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Product News

Microtrac MRB SYNC Particle Analyzer provides new Capabilities to characterize Materials

Edited by mhd on 26. Nov. 2020
Haan, Germany
(Picture: ©Microtrac Retsch GmbH)

The patented synchronous measurement technology of the SYNC allows users to make both a laser diffraction measurement and  image analysis on a single sample, in the same sample cell at the same time: One sample, one optical bench, one flow path, one sample cell, one integrated GUI, one analysis.

This makes the SYNC ideally suited for both routine QC and research applications; it provides valuable information to researchers as they develop new materials and processes. The powerful software interface offers both particle size distribution information as well as a multitude of morphological parameters. The patented BLEND routine allows users to examine materials over a wide size range from 0.01 microns to 4000 microns.

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