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47.831664, 1.93851

Jean Claude Guillaneau , Eng.
deputy Head of the Environment & Process Divi
Avenue C. Guillemin
Orléans 45060
+33 0 238 643 793
+33 0 238 643 963
About Jean Claude Guillaneau

Nationality: French

Age: 42(year of birth 1959)

Profession and present position: Engineer, Deputy Head of the Environment & Process Division

Languages: French, English, German, Spanish

Length of experience: 15 years, 13 of which with BRGM

Know-how and experience:
Mr. Guillaneau, a graduate of the Ecole Supérieure de l'Energie et des Matériaux (ESEM - Higher School of Energy and Materials), completed his training at Laval University (Québec, Canada) with a Master's degree in Metallurgical Engineering while conducting pilot plant tests at the Mineral Research Center of Québec, Canada.

He started his career with BRGM in 1986 and is now Head of the Process Department (staff of 40) of the French Mineral Survey and Product Manager for the Process Analysis range of software USIM PAC, BILCO and ECHANT. This entails the management of teams of Engineers and Technicians involved in Biotechnology and Mineral Processing and of a pilot plant of 2 000 m2 and about 500 m2 of laboratories. On the other hand, his activity concerns also the management of the Process Analysis Group. The Process Analysis Group is involved the design of new plants, in the retrofitting and optimization of existing ones and in conducting projects in the sampling, material balances and process simulation fields.

Mr. Guillaneau has been conducting several project at the international scale, either commercial or for the European Union research. He has been working on phosphate plant optimization for the ICS in Senegal both on mechanical preparation and on flotation and for Arafertil and Fosfertil in Brazil.

Mr. Guillaneau is used to making international contacts and has dealt with numerous and varied missions throughout the world including scientific communications, technical presentations and customers and representatives training (Russia, Zaire, Turkey, Canada, U.S.A., Finland, Peru, Brazil, Yugoslavia, Germany, Spain, Algeria, Chile, Jordan, Australia, China, etc.).

Fields of Consulting work:
process simulation
plant audit
environmental audit

Guillaneau, J.-C., Darmendrail, D., Coste, B. “Environmental situation in Central and Eastern Europe: comparisons and examples.” EIN International n°3 – Water Technology for the European Union and Eastern Europe, August 2000, pages 35-43.

Brochot, S, Cézac, P., Durance, M.-V., Fourniguet, G., Guillaneau, J.-C., Morin, D., Villeneuve, J. “Simulation of Biotreatments in complex mineral processes” XXI IMPC Rome, July 2000, proceedings pp. A3-108-119.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J. , Bodenan, F., Brochot, S., Durance, M.-V., Hergibo, P.-L., Piantone, P., Sandvik, K., Vedrine, H., Wavrer, P. « Urban Waste Management: From characterization to process evaluation », French-Egyptian Symposium on Water and Waste Management and Treatment , Cairo, Egypt, January 17-18-19, 2000

Guillaneau, J.-C., Brochot, S., Durance, M.-V., Villeneuve, J., Fourniguet, G., Védrine, H., Sandvik, K., Reuter M., “From mineral processing to waste treatment: an open-mind process simulator”, CIM 1999, Québec, Canada

Guillaneau, J.-C., Morin, D., Durance, M.-V., Morizot, G., “Biotechnology and process simulation: two tools to develop environmentally friendly processes of ores”, 1999, Proceedings of the GME’99, Beijing, China

Guillaneau, J.-C., Durance, M.-V., Villeneuve, J., "Optimisation des ateliers de classification", 1998, Revue de l'Industrie Minérale, Les techniques, Vol. V/98, supplément à décembre 1998, pp. 85-93.

Villeneuve, J., Guillaneau, J.-C., "Méthode d’analyse des performances de la classification granulométrique d’un sol pollué", 1998, Revue de l'Industrie Minérale, Les techniques, Vol. V/98, supplément à décembre 1998, pp. 65-69.

Fourniguet, G., Villeneuve, J., Rocchia, L., Védrine, H., Brochot, S., Guillaneau, J.-C., "Analyse par bilans matière d’un procédé hydrométallurgique de recyclage de déchets d’aciéries électriques", 1997, 6e Congrès Français de Génie des Procédés, Paris, 24-26 septembre 1997.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J., Durance, M.-V., Brochot, S., Fourniguet, G., Durand, H., "From Sampling to Simulation: the BRGM range of Software for Process Analysis", 1997, Minerals Engineering Annual Meeting, Santiago, Chile - July 29-August 1, 1997.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J., Durance, M.-V., Brochot, S., Fourniguet G., Védrine, H., Wavrer, P., Le Guirriec, E., “Logiciels d’aide à l’analyse des procédés”, Memento des Mines et Carrières, nouvelle série n°3, 1997, pp. 376-396.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J., Durance, M.-V., Brochot, S., Fourniguet, G., Durand, H., "From Sampling to Simulation: the BRGM range of Software for Process Analysis", 1997, SME Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado - February 24-27, 1997, preprint # 97-202.

Villeneuve, J., Guillaneau, J. -C., Martin, M. A. S., Lopes, G. S., "SAG Mill Modeling in USIM PAC 2: Example of the CVRD Igarapé Bahia Circuit", 1996, Proceedings of the International Autogenous and Semi Autogenous Grinding Technology 1996 Conference (SAG'96), Vancouver, Canada, October 6-9.

Villeneuve, J., Durance, M. V., Guillaneau, J.-C., Brochot, S., Fourniguet, G., "Conception et adaptation de la production de granulats par simulation", 1996, Congrès de la Société de l'Industrie Minérale, Montpellier, 1-4 octobre 1996, Revue de l'Industrie Minérale, les Techniques, Vol. 79, mai 1997, pp. 41-46.

Villeneuve, J., Durance, M. V., Guillaneau, J. -C., Santana, A. N., Silva, R. V. G., Martin, M. A. S., "Advanced use of column flotation models for process optimization", 1996, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Column Flotation (COLUMN'96), Montréal, Canada, August 25-29.

Brochot, S., Durance, M.V., Fourniguet, G., Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J., "Approche objet en simulation - application à la simulation des procédés de traitements des matières minérales.", 1995, XVIIème Conférence Internationale des Industries de Procédés,.Interchimie 95, Paris.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J., Brochot, S., Durance, M.-V., Fourniguet, G., "The Supervisor of Simulation: a step further to meet the Process Engineer Needs.", 1995, Proceedings of the XIX International Mineral Processing Congress, San Francisco, USA, October 22-27.

Brochot, S., Durance, M.-V., Fourniguet, G., Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve J., "Modelling of the Minerals Diversity: a Challenge for Ore Processing Simulation", 1995, Proceedings of the 1995 EUROSIM Conference, EUROSIM’95, pp. 861-866, Vienna, Austria.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Oloffsson, O., Durance, M.-V., Villeneuve, J., "Modelling of the Sala Agitated Mill (SAM) using BRGM pilot plant data.", paper to be presented at the 25th APCOM, July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.

Morizot, G., Guillaneau, J.-C., "Role of Modelling and Simulation in the development of new Processes.", 1995, International Minerals and Metals Technology 1995, pp. 144-149

Villeneuve, J., Guillaneau, J.-C., Durance, M.-V., 1994, "Modélisation des séparations solide/liquide dans l'industrie minérale.", Recueil des conférences du congrès Interfiltra 1994, Novembre, Paris, pp. 284-293.

Villeneuve, J., Guillaneau, J.-C., Durance, M.-V., "Flotation modelling: a wide range of solutions for solving industrial problems.", 1994, Proceedings of the Minerals Engineering '94, September, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA.

Durance, M.-V., Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J., Brochot, S., Fourniguet, G, 1994, "USIM PAC 2 for Windows: advanced simulation of mineral processes.", Proceedings of the 5th International Mineral Processing Symposium, September, Cappadocia, Turkey, A. A. Balkema, pp. 539-547.

Durance, M.-V., Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J., Brochot, S., Fourniguet, G., 1994, "USIM PAC 2 for Windows, the new process engineers' partner to design and optimize industrial plants.", Proceedings of the first regional APCOM, June, Bled, Slovenia, pp. 303-312.

Villeneuve, J., Guillaneau, J.-C., 1994, "Modelling and Simulation of Comminution", communication presented at the ICRA workshop, May, Stockholm, Sweden.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J., Durance, M.-V., Brochot, S., Fourniguet, G., 1994, "Simulation Improvements in Mineral Processing", communication presented at the first International Symposium on Complex Ores Utilization, May, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Allix, J., Arnaud, J.-M., 1993, "Optimisation des installations de concassage : simulation, commande et réglage automatique des équipements.", communication presented at the SIM Annual Meeting, October, Grenoble.

Durance, M.-V., Guillaneau, J.-C., Libaude, J., 1993, "Optimisation d'une usine de traitement de minerai par simulation du fonctionnement et des caractéristiques des flux : exemple de la mine d'or de Shila (Pérou)", communication presented at the SIM Annual Meeting, October, Grenoble.

Durance, M.-V., Guillaneau, J.-C., Libaude, J., Villeneuve, J., 1993, "Simulation-Based optimization of plants: a practical tool for the mineral industry.", Communication presented at the CIM Metallurgical Society Annual Meeting, August, Québec, Canada.

Durance, M.-V., Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J., Fourniguet, G., Brochot, S., "Computer Simulation of Mineral and Hydrometallurgical Processes: USIM PAC 2.0, a Single Software from Design to Optimization.", 1993, Paper to be presented at the Symposium on Modelling, Simulation and Control of Hydrometallurgical Processes, August, Québec, Canada.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J., Durance, M.-V., Guyot, O., 1993, "Computer-aided Design and Optimization of Mineral Processing Plant: USIM PAC 2.0 for Windows", Paper to be published in Mining Magazine.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Durance, M.-V., Libaude, J., Ollivier, P., 1993, "Computer-aided Optimization of Mineral Processing Plants, a Case Study: Increasing the Capacity of the Shila Gold Mine, Peru", Paper presented at the SME Annual Meeting, February 15-18, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A.. Preprint # 93-222.

Broussaud, A., Guillaneau, J.-C., Guyot, O., Pastol, J.-F., Villeneuve, J., "Méthodes et algorithmes pour accroître l'utilité et le réalisme des simulateurs d'installations de traitement de matières minérales.", Revue de l'Industrie Minérale, les Techniques, Vol. 74, n° 5-92, pp. 146-152.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J., Blot, P., 1992, "Advances in the Design and Optimization of Mineral Processing Plants", Proceedings of the APCOM 92, 23rd International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry, April 7-11, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A., Chapter 54, pp. 549-566.

Libaude, J., Morizot, G., Baudet, G., Morin, D., Guillaneau, J.-C., 1992, "New Technological Developments in Mineral Processing", 3rd Asia-Pacific Mining 92 Conference, March 18-21, Philippines.

Villeneuve, J., Guillaneau, J.-C., Pilotte R., Broussaud, A., 1992, "Objective Driven Simulation: a new Approach to Improving the Efficiency and Usefulness of Steady-state Simulators of Mineral Processing Plants", Paper presented at the SME Annual Meeting, February 24-27, Phoenix, Arizona , U.S.A.. Preprint # 92-168.

Plitt, L.R., Guillaneau, J.-C., Broussaud, A., 1991, "Modélisation mathématique des hydrocyclones avec décharge en boudin", Revue de l'Industrie Minérale, Mines et Carrières, Vol. 73, décembre, pp. 45-47.

Blot, P., Oblad, E., Herbst, J., Villeneuve, J., Guillaneau, J.-C., 1991, "Integrating and Using an Advanced SAG/AG Mill Model in the USIM PAC Mineral Processing Simulator", Proceedings of the Conference on the Computer Applications in the Mineral Industry "Software of the 90's for the Mineral Industry", Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 15-18, pp. 439-449.

Broussaud, A., Guillaneau, J.-C., Guyot, O., Pastol, J.-F., Villeneuve, J., 1991, "Methods and Algorithms to Improve the Usefulness and Realism of Mineral Processing Plant Simulators", Proceedings of the XVII International Mineral Processing Congress, Dresden, Germany, September 23-28, pp. 229-246.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Broussaud, A., Villeneuve, J., 1991, "Industrial Computer Methods for the Design and off-line Optimization of Mineral Processing Plants", Proceedings of the XIIIrd Symposium on Mineral Processing, Yugoslavia, May, pp. 91-96.

Broussaud, A., Fourniguet, G., Guillaneau, J.-C., Conil, P., Guyot, O., 1991, "Conception et gestion des circuits de broyage assistées par ordinateur", l'Industrie Céramique, n° 860, 5/91, pp. 311-313.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Villeneuve, J., Broussaud, A., 1990, "Un nouvel outil pour concevoir et/ou optimiser une criblerie", Journées "Carrières, vers une gestion optimale", Haute et Basse Normandie, décembre.

Broussaud, A., Guillaneau, J.-C., Fourniguet, G., 1990, "Practical Computer Methods for the Design and Adaptation of Mineral Processing Plants", Paper presented at the VIth Simposium Sobre Molienda, Chile, November.

Broussaud, A., Fourniguet, G., Guillaneau, J.-C., Conil, P., Guyot, O., 1990, "Conception et gestion assistée par ordinateur des circuits de broyage", Revue de l'Industrie Minérale, les Techniques, Vol. 72, n° 4-90, pp. 144-150.

Broussaud, A., Fourniguet, G., Guillaneau, J.-C., Conil, P., Guyot, O., 1990, "Conception assistée par ordinateur d'un circuit de broyage", Ciments, Bétons, Plâtres, Chaux, n° 784, 3/90, octobre, pp. 205-208.

Broussaud, A., Conil, P., Fourniguet, G., Guillaneau, J.-C., 1989, "USIM PAC : premier logiciel intégré d'aide à la conception et à l'optimisation des usines de traitement des minerais", Revue de l'Industrie Minérale, les Techniques, juillet, pp. 1-12.

Broussaud, A., Guillaneau, J.-C., Fourniguet, G., Conil, P., Blot, P., 1989, "A revolutionary tool for Mineral Processing Plant Design and Optimization", Paper presented at the SME Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A..

Lanthier, R., Hodouin, D., Guillaneau, J.-C., Broussaud, A., 1989, "Real-Time mass Balance Calculation for a Pilot Grinding Circuit", Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processor, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Guillaneau, J.-C., Broussaud, A., Lanthier, R., Hodouin, D., 1989, "Mise en oeuvre d'une stratégie de valorisation en ligne des mesures pour la conduite d'un circuit pilote de broyage", Revue de l'Industrie Minérale, les Techniques, novembre-décembre, pp. 8-16.

Morizot, G., Legret, D., Croisé, G., Guillaneau, J.-C., 1989, "Pilotage de la flottation d'un minerai sulfuré polymétallique : le cas Chessy", Revue de l'Industrie Minérale, les Techniques, Vol. 71, n° 3-89, pp. 153-160.

Broussaud, A., Guillaneau, J.-C., Conil, P., Fourniguet, G., Ragot, J., Bloch, G., Hanton, E., 1988, "Poste de contrôle intelligent dédié aux procédés de traitement des minerais", Communication présentée au colloque Ressources du sous-sol organisé par le Ministère de la Recherche, 26-27 septembre.

Broussaud, A., Conil, P., Fourniguet, G., Guillaneau, J.-C., 1988, "USIM: an easy to use Simulator for Mineral Processing Plants", Proceedings of the First Canadian Conference on the Computer Applications in the Mineral Industry, March, Québec, Canada, A.A. Balkema, Rotherdam, pp. 137-145.

Broussaud, A., Guillaneau, J.-C., 1988, "Modèles d'opérations unitaires en minéralurgie", Informatique dans l'Industrie Minérale, Revue de l'Industrie Minérale, les Techniques, numéro spécial, novembre, Vol. 70, pp. 146-172.

Guillaneau J.-C., Caron ,S., Gupta, V.K., 1986, "Etude des broyages autogène et semi-autogène à l'échelle pilote.", Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Montréal, Canada, May, 24 p.

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