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51.9875137, 4.3770838

Johan C. Groen , Ph.D.
Rotterdamseweg 183c
Delft 2629 HD
+31 15 268 251 6
+31 15 268 253 0
About Johan C. Groen

Johan Groen, born in 1968 (Vlaardingen, the Netherlands) studied chemistry and holds a PhD in chemical engineering (Delft). He worked as a researcher at the Delft University of Technology from 1992-2007, supervised many graduate students and published over 40 scientific papers and 1 patent.
Currently, he is Director of Science and Technology of Delft Solids Solutions B.V., a contract laboratory devoted to solids research and characterization. Johan is taskforce member of the IUPAC (Liquid intrusion and alternative methods for the characterization of macroporous solids (2006-current) and participates in ISO committee ISO/TC24/SC4.

Know-how and experience:
Detailed characterization of physical aspects of solids in the field of particle size, porosity, surface area, density, flowability, etc.
Porous materials synthesis, modification, characterization and catalytic application.

Fields of Consulting work:
1. Particle size
2. Porosity
3. Flowability
4. Surface area
5. Particle characterization
6. Catalysis

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