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34.7437936, 136.5246423

Prof. Toshihiko Shakouchi
Kamihama-Cho 1515
Tsu-Shi, Mie (Mie) 514-8507
+81 59 231 938 4
+81 59 231 938 4
About Toshihiko Shakouchi

Prof.,Dr.Eng.Toshihiko Shakouchi
Graduate School of Engineering
Mie University, Japan
* Date of Birth: 2nd Sep.,1945
* Nationality: Japan
* Eduacation:
Dr.Eng.,:Nagoya University,Japan
M.S.& B.S., Mech.Eng., Ehime University, Japan
* Experience:
1994-date: Professor
1992-1993: Guest Researcher, LSTM,Univ.Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany
1969-1994: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Dept.of Mech.Engr., Mie Univ., Japan
* Honors & Awards: Best Paper Award, Japan Soc.of multiphase Flow, 1998, and others
* Professional Activities:
+ Member of JSME, JSMF, ASME FED CGIT, SCEJ, JSFM, ASSJ, HTSJ, and others
+ Symposium Organizer:
Third ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engr.Conf, 1999, and others
+ Editor in Chief of JSMF, and others
+ Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, External Assessor, and others

Know-how and experience:
* Areas of Research:
Fluid and Heat Mechanics, Environmental Fluid and Heat Mechaanics, Multiphase Flow, Expermental and Numerical Analysis
+ Pulverization of Fine Solid Particles by Gas Flow
+ Classification of fine Solid Particles by Gas Flow


Fields of Consulting work:
1. Pulverization
2. Classification

1.Morimoto,Y.,Study on Flow Characteristics in and Classification Efficiency of Pneumatic Type Ultra Fine Powder Classifier, Trans.of JSME, in prerss.
2.Shakouchi,T., et al., Numerical and Experimental analyses on Performance of Virtual-Impactor Type Classifier , Proc.of 4th Int.Conf.on Multiphase Flow, ICMF-2001,(2001), CD-ROM.
3.and others


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