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22.4833395, 88.3504689

Suraj Bhagat
Divisional Manager (Electrical)
15a/1, M B Sarani
Kolkata (West Bengal) 700040
+91 0 916 336 352 5
+91 657 271 075
About Suraj Bhagat

BE (Electrical Engg) from NIT Jamshedpur in 1991
Worked mainly in Electrical and Automation engg of Iron Making and Bulk Maerial Handling systems and equipments

Hobby : Music, Travelling, photography

Know-how and experience:
20 years of experience in Electrical Engg and Automation of port and Yard Equipments.

Fields of Consulting work:
material Handling; ports, cranes,

2013/4 – Today
(11 Years / 4 Months)
Divisional Manager (Electrical)
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