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Dr. Bert J. Huls
Technical Manager Mineral Processing
About Bert J. Huls

Born: Leidschendam, The Netherlands
Educated: 1978 M.Sc. Degree (Maxima Cum Laude) in Metallurgical Engineering and Mineral Dressing at the Delft University of Technology, Delft, Holland.
1990 Doctor in Metallurgical Engineering from the Delft University of Technology, Holland. (advisor Professor W.P.C. Duyvesteyn).
Work History:
BHP Minerals, Reno, NV 1993 - present
Manager Process Development
Responsible for the development of process flow sheets and for company wide plant support
Falconbridge Limited, 1987 –1993
(a) Manager Technology, Lakefield Research, Lakefield, Ont. Canada
Responsible for a business development group primarily related to flotation and grinding
(b) Superintendent Mineral Processing, Sudbury, Ont. Canada
Responsible for SO2 abatement program in the mill and for modernizing the Strathcona Mill
Billiton, ( 4 year assignment to Southern Peru Copper, Cuajone, Peru) 1982 –1987
Technical Assistant to Plant Superintendent
Responsible for plant metallurgy and projects.
Sherritt, Ft Saskatchewan, Alta, Canada 1978 –1982
Research Metallurgist
Involved in bench and pilot scale research projects for clients in hydrometallurgy
Memberships: CIM, AIME, APEO
Activities: Organized and chaired two international conferences
Hobbies: Hiking, Biking, Skiing

Know-how and experience:
Extensive experience in bulk handling of ore transport to concentrator, thickening, filtration, pipe transport
Extensive experience in mineral processing and hydrometallurgy

Automatic Grinding Control at the Cuajone Copper Concentrator, May 1985, Peruvian magazine "Metalurgia", No V, 26-33.

Distributed Digital Grinding Control in Cuajone, 1987, Mining Engineering, Vol 39, No. 12, 1101-1107.

Flotation in Large Flotation Cells. 1987, Presented at the V Conversatorio de Mineria a Cielo Abierto, May.

Column Flotation: Mechanics of Operation, January 1988, Column ‘88, (K.V.S. Sastry, ed.), 149-155.

Level Detection in Flotation Columns using Conductivity, 1988, presented at the 27th Annual Conference of Metallurgists, The Metallurgical Society of CIM, Montreal.

Calibration of Level Detection Systems in Flotation of Columns using a Conductivity Probe, 1989, Proceedings 21st Annual Meeting of the CMP, Ottawa, 452-473

A Level Detection Probe for Industrial Flotation Columns, 1989, Processing of Complex Ores, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Processing of Complex Ores, (Dobby, G.S., Rao, S.R. editors), Halifax, 325-344.

Gas Rate and Froth Depth Effects on Performance of a Cu-Ni Separation Flotation Column, Published in the proceedings of the 28th CIM Conference, Halifax, 1989.

A Calibration Probe for Level Detection Systems in Flotation Columns, 1990, CIM Bulletin, Vol. 83, No. 935, 118-121.

Level Detection in Flotation Columns at Falconbridge Limited, 1990, Control '90, (Rajamani, Herbst, eds.), Chapter 20, 173-177.

Treatment of Non-Magnetics at Falconbridge, 1991, Proceedings 23rd Annual Meeting of the CMP, Ottawa, Paper No.20

Bubble Generation Assessment for an Industrial Flotation Column, 1991, Minerals Engineering, Vol.4, No. 1, 37-42.

Gas Holdup Measurement in Flotation Columns using Electrical Conductivity, 1991, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 4, 201-205.

Scale-up and Installation of Flotation Columns at Falconbridge Limited, 1991, Column '91, (G.E. Agar, B.J. Huls, D.B. Hyma), June, 199-210.

A Conductivity Technique for Level Detection in Flotation Cells, 1991 Mineral Processing and Process Control, Copper '91, (Dobby, Argyropoulos, Rao), Vol. II, 261-275.

Collectorless Flotation Behaviour of Chalcopyrite in the Nickel-Copper Ores from Sudbury Basin, 1991, Mineral Processing and Process Control, Copper '91, (Dobby, Argyropoulos, Rao), Vol. II, 171-186.

Gas Holdup Measurements in Flotation Columns using Electrical Conductivity, 1991, Can. Met. Quart. (Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly), Vol. 30 (4), 201-205.

Measurement of Radial Gas Holdup Profiles in a Flotation Column, 1992, Int. J. Min. Proc.(International Journal of Mineral Processing), 36, 229-244.

Limitations in the Application of Column Flotation, 1993, Proc. XVII International Mineral Processing Congress, Sydney, 779-784

When Innovations Occur : Their Effect on a Large Mining Company, 1994, Innovations in Mineral Processing (Turgut Yalcin ed.), 1-14.

Axial Gas Holdup Profiles in Flotation Columns, 1995, Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, February, 16-24.

2013/4 – Today
(11 Years / 4 Months)
Technical Manager Mineral Processing
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