New Continuous Ship Unloading System IFUS

Posted in: , on 16. Jun. 2015 - 21:42

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Dear Sirs,

Vernia Engineering received a mandate from an Italian engineering company to search a partner to implement this new innovative system for unloading at the jetty or onboard a ship. The system is called IFUS (Innovative Flexible Unloading System).

The new system can be applied both on the jetty (a) and on self-unloading ships (b).

This innovative system will can apply to older systems continuous ship unloaders or old self unloading ships.



Traditional ship unloading systems


The system IFUS for unloading of most different bulk materials

Discharge Capacity: 800-8000 t / h

Maritime and land-based boom length: up to 50 m

Ship sizes: 10000-350000 DWT

The benefit of new continuous ship unloader (IFUS) allowed by a special patent the elimination of up to 98% of the material from the ship's interior space and is 30% lighter than the conventional ship unloader. This system consumes approximately 30% less power.

Maximum reliability

- Easy maneuvering

- Lower maintenance costs

- Reduced wear

- Efficiency

- Maximum components standardization and

- Minimization of dust and noise


New System IFUS

In the figure above is:

a) Preliminary design and functional scheme of the new continuous flexible unloading system, this system divides the horizontal part scraper from the vertical bucket elevator.

b) Schematic representation that shows how the length regulation improves the efficiency in terms of covered surface.

Our IFUS System is equipped with a patented foot zone.

Through the coordinated movement of the hydraulic cylinders of the foot we design, you can change its geometrical configuration so that it reaches suits the bulkheads of the hold by taking all the material.

If you are confident in our technology and are interested, please send us an email with your contact details.

For further questions please contact us at your disposal.

With best regards

Tommaso Vernia

PS: Please circulate this information to interested parties!

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More Homework Please.

Posted on 17. Jun. 2015 - 02:33

Much, much more, detail design needs to be presented before this machine can be evaluated.

Why are the elevator buckets so much larger than the scraper buckets?

What is the filling efficiency of the elevator buckets since they are only scooping off the floor?

Please explain how the bend sprockets manage to extend or collapse in the adjustment length available.

The machine is very, totally even, tailored to a specific ship size so it is really only for self unloaders. So, what happens during loading?

John Gateley