Fertiliser Plant - Filter Media

Posted in: , on 20. Jun. 2014 - 09:12


what is the best Filter media for Fertiliser packing plant , How about GLASS POLY PROPOLENE




Filter Medium.

Posted on 20. Jun. 2014 - 08:18

"Glass polypropylene" sounds like overkill if this is simply a packing plant, without high process temperatures.

Ask several filter bag suppliers and compare their offers and recommendations (and prices).

In any case, make sure the compressed air for cleaning is passed through a refrigerant dryer.

Michael Reid.

Re: Fertiliser Plant - Filter Media

Posted on 20. Jun. 2014 - 08:59

Thanks Mr. Michel , fertiliser is highly hygroscopic ,

is essential for heat suction air ?

compress air , we send through refrigerant drier ,




Fertilizer Plant Filter.

Posted on 21. Jun. 2014 - 09:16

In some cases, notably galvanizing plants, it is necessary to insulate the bag filter and electrically heat the hopper to keep the internals above acid dew point.

I have not heard of the same thing being done for fertilizer dust but perfectly dry compressed air is necessary.

Good Luck,

Michael Reid.