Mexican Hat - Principle - Dosing

Posted in: , on 5. Jun. 2014 - 11:46

would you please add photo or drawing of mexican hat.


Quote Originally Posted by Graham SpriggsView Post
Hi all..

We have been using Mexican Hats for as long as I can remember, and they are great.

If you imagine a short pipe say 450mm diameter x 450mm long, and put a flange on one end. It looks like a hat.

Now imagine a hopper with for example a 400mm discharge pipe hanging down above a conveyor. Slide the upside down hat over the discharge pipe. Material in the hopper flows out of the pipe, and the bed depth of material on the conveyor is controlled by the level of the Mexican hat.

There is a great example of this at Rossing Uranium in Namibia. There they have a large bunker of ore, which is served by lots and lots of conveyors under the bunker, but right angles to it. Each conveyor has lots and lots of Mexican Hats, each hat being progressively higher towards the head end, thus effectively giving the bunker a "live bottom".


LSL Tekpro

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Mex Hat

Posted on 6. Jun. 2014 - 07:48

Dear Mr. Mohandes,

your post was moved to a new thread in order to distinguish the theme from the main theme of the thread were it was originally posted.

As far as I can support you, the principle of the mexican hat dosing is as per attached sketch, however I also would request the competent forum members to illustrate and / or comment on utilization examples in belt feeding.



Mexican Hat Feeder Concept

Posted on 29. Jun. 2014 - 06:42

Dear Roland,

I would like to see your sketch on the subject. I am aware of a number of designs that qualify for the term. This has metamorphous over the years.

Presently, no sketch shows with the CLICK.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450


Posted on 29. Jun. 2014 - 08:46

the attached file was in pdf format without problem

however I save as JPEG as attached file


sketch (JPG)

Re: Mexican Hat - Principle - Dosing

Posted on 29. Jun. 2014 - 09:16

Dear all,

Will the attached principle work for solids ?


Re: Mexican Hat - Principle - Dosing

Posted on 30. Jun. 2014 - 12:13
Quote Originally Posted by mohandesView Post
the attached file was in pdf format without problem

however I save as JPEG as attached file


This is not the Mexican Hat (MH) design. The principle of the MH is to regulate the flow stream starting from the rear of the feeder and to somewhat force mass flow by causing internal obstructions between selected cross-flow partitions. The opening under each partition is increasingly graduated in height from the first to last. The difference in partition heights controls the mass flow over the respective partition in proportion to the overall height difference between first and last partition = exit height.

This does not work for large rock sizes that will cause blockage under each partition. Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) can give good feedback on the mass flow dynamics for non-sticky materials.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

More Appropriate Sketch

Posted on 30. Jun. 2014 - 07:46

Dear Mr. Nordell,

i'd like to request you to replace my principle sketch with a more appropriate and adapted one to belt feeder specificalities. Or perhaps a longitudinal section illustration, which I couldn't provide.

Thank you in advance, with

Kind Regards
