Fine Grinding Technology Project

Posted in: , on 12. Oct. 2013 - 21:15

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October 10, 2013 - Specialist fine grinding technology will play a central role in a newly established UK manufacturing project for advanced powder and particle engineering development.

Milling technology company International Innovative Technologies Ltd. is part of a newly established consortium headed by Procter & Gamble Technical Centres that is being supported by the UK Government’s Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative.

The three-year project Chariot collaboration brings together eight organisations that will aim to develop new and innovative equipment and processes for the production of super fine powders.

IIT has successfully developed a patented low energy vertical milling system suitable for the fine grinding of a range of bulk materials, powders and minerals.

The company’s involvement in the Chariot project will include further in-depth analysis of the milling of powders and particles and research into the effects of new and different grinding equipment designs on material properties and performance.

In this role, IIT will work alongside the University of Leeds’ Particle Institute and the Teesside-based CPI Centre for Process Innovation.

Tom Wilkinson, Chairman of IIT, said: “This is a highly innovative and prestigious project and we are delighted to be part of this high quality consortium.

“Effective analysis of the reduction of hard substances into fine powders is a fundamental requirement of the programme and our involvement provides further recognition of the capabilities and successful application of our specialist fine grinding technology.”

As well as powder milling technologies, other aspects of the programme will involve specialist private sector and academic partners working in complex areas of powder science, including particle size, shape and structure analysis.

Michael Duncan, Procter & Gamble Global Open innovation Director, said: “This project aims to bring exciting possibilities in the area of advanced particle engineering and create new opportunities to supply innovation across several industries.

“Each partner brings key areas of strength and expertise to a challenging project. By working together, we hope to deliver a real breakthrough that will benefit each partner and our global consumers, as well as stimulate local innovation and development.”

The overall aim of Project Chariot is to successfully develop new equipment and products that will open up new markets for products made in existing UK companies and increase the production capability of quality consumer products.


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IIT milling technology for advanced powder

and particle engineering development

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Alumina Ceramics, Zirconia Ceramics & Zta

Posted on 12. Jul. 2021 - 05:01

Wear resistant ceramics & ceramic grinding media - alumina ceramics, zirconia ceramics & ZTA

CBC Ceramics, supplier of alumina ceramics. [URL=""][/URL]