Polyster Filter Bags Burning Problem

Posted in: , on 15. Sep. 2013 - 12:15

Polyster filter bags burning problem in BAGFILTER

We have developed pollution control system for pulveriser. In pulveriser we are making metal (Ferrous) power. After pulveriser we had placed 3 cyclones then Bagfilter after that kept blower. In pulveriser some spark are generated and these sparks are not trapped in cyclone and they stick to bags and damaging the bags. This will happen in one week period.

How to save bags from sparks or trap the sparks or any Bag material resist the bags?

Filter Bags Burning Problem

Posted on 5. Dec. 2013 - 12:43

Dear sir:

Sparkle is a metal particle that is burning, is moving at high speed through the ducts and cyclones. It is very similar to the sparks that come out when these metal polishing materials.

to extinguish must cool its surface, this is achieved by stirring the air around the spark. cyclones are supposed to do this, however in practice they are not very efficient (I speak of high efficiency cyclones, cylindrical bodies of small diameter and long cones). I tried to solve this problem using cyclones with metal chains inside, but did not work, the problem diminished but not eliminated. I decided to put a spark arrestor in the ducts before reaching the collector, that was the solution

