Rheology Problem

Posted in: , on 22. Mar. 2013 - 06:36

First of all, thank you all for any help you can provide me. I am an organic chemist, so my understanding of rheology is VERY basic. I have two polymers with similar molecular weight and structure, but with different branching density. All i do in the rheology instrument (Ares G1) is to take viscosity vs shear rate and I try to find the viscosity a low shear rate, plus the behavior as the shear rate increases. One of them is like a Newtonian fluid and the other is not. All i want to do is compare this two polymers, since the only difference is the density branching. I feel that since I am sitting is such as powerful instrument I should take more data. Like a frequency sweep, or temperature ramp to find G' and G" and compare between them. However, I do not know if this could be useful for me or not. I know how to run those experiments, but I do not know what exactly I would be looking at. Should I run an experiment to find G? Will the frequency of the G' and G" crossing point be different and that could tell me something about the polymers? What values can I compare? Should I run a different experiment that help me to compare these two polymers? I know that my questions are very basic, but I the rheology course will not start until the fall and all I find online is heavy math and models, but nothing that help me to answer my questions. Any help is highly appreciate.

A Fluid Situation.

Posted on 23. Mar. 2013 - 01:56

I am only familiar with Porpoise Viscometers which use the Melt Flow Index to evaluate polymer properties on the production line. We also had a laboratory instrument using a 2 piston arrangement for research but again it only got used for MFI purposes because that was adaequate.