DEM Solutions and Shandong University

Posted in: , on 21. Dec. 2012 - 19:39


DEM Solutions Strengthens Commitment to China and Establishes EDEM Joint Laboratory with Shandong University of Science and Technology

EDEM Joint Lab to serve as Innovation Hub for Advanced Simulation-based Engineering of Bulk Materials Handling Systems for the China Mining and Power Industries

Edinburgh (UK) and Denver (USA) – 29 November, 2012DEM Solutions, the company setting the standard for engineering application of discrete element method (DEM) simulation, and Shandong University of Science and Technology, today announced the opening of the EDEM Joint Laboratory in Qingdao, China. With support from Scottish Enterprise and the Qingdao Economic & Information Technology Committee, the new EDEM Joint Laboratory will provide training programs to university students and industry professionals to help build up their capability in DEM simulation- based design and promote joint innovation in the development of bulk material handling equipment and systems for the China Mining and Power industries.

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Opening ceremony

Mr. Jingyuan Wang, Vice President of the Qingdao Economic and Information Technology Committee, opened the ceremony by saying, “I express my heartfelt congratulations to DEM Solutions and Shandong University of Science and Technology for the establishment of the EDEM Joint Laboratory. On behalf of the Qingdao Economic and Information Technology Committee, I would like to affirm the importance of this Laboratory for enhancing economic and industrial development in Qingdao. The Qingdao City Commission will continue to support the development of this high-level cooperation for research and training.”

“China’s mining industry is experiencing strong growth, driven by demand from the Power, Manufacturing and Construction industries – all which handle and process bulk materials,” stated Dr. Richard LaRoche, VP Engineering of DEM Solutions. “DEM is an advanced simulation technology specifically designed for simulation of bulk materials and solids, and is a key engineering tool for optimizing product design for improved performance, reliability and user safety.”

“Building on the university’s status as a hub for engineering expertise for the Power and Mining industries, the EDEM Joint Lab will enable Shandong University to remain at the forefront of engineering excellence and innovation. The EDEM Joint Lab will provide engineers, scientists and researchers access to DEM Solutions’ market proven EDEM suite of simulation software and learn about the industrial benefits of DEM to drive innovation in the design and development of bulk materials handling systems, such as coal handling solutions, that perform more efficiently, use less energy and have less environmental impact.”

Anne MacColl, chief executive of Scottish Development International, said: "We’ve worked closely with DEM Solutions Ltd over the last three years to help it take advantage of the significant software and technology opportunities that exist in China. By providing overseas market support we've helped the company increase its knowledge of the cultural, economic and political landscape of the country - a vital component of doing business in China.” Anne MacColl added, "The launch of the EDEM Joint Laboratory, in partnership with Shandong University, is an exciting step forward for the company, helping it to raise its credibility within the Chinese market and to elevate its perception among potential customers. We look forward to continuing to work with the company to help realise its ambitious growth plans in Asia."

“There is universal need to design bulk material handling systems that perform efficiently, with great energy savings, while protecting the environment for society,” commented Dr. Qianming Yang, Vice Dean, from Shandong University. “Shandong University has seen the need to bring the benefits of EDEM simulation technology and simulation-based design for bulk materials engineering to China industries so that they can address these types of engineering challenges.”

The EDEM Joint Laboratory was opened on 25 November, 2012 in an official ceremony where Dr. Richard LaRoche was presented with a plaque by Dr. Liu Xinmin, Vice President of Shandong University and presentations given by DEM Solution partners Dr. Renhu Pan, Vice General Manager, of Fujian Longking Company and Prof. Peter Wypych, General Manager of Bulk Materials Engineering Australia (BMEA). The ceremony was attended by senior officials from the Qingdao government, university delegates, and members of the local media.

About Shandong University of Science and Technology (SDUST):

Scottish Enterprise ( is Scotland's main economic development agency and aims to deliver a significant, lasting effect on the Scottish economy by identifying and exploiting the best opportunities for economic growth.

About Scottish Development International

Scottish Development International (SDI) ( is a partnership between the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, which works to attract inward investment to Scotland and helps Scottish based companies to trade overseas.

About DEM Solutions

DEM Solutions is the market leader in simulation software and services for the design and development of bulk particle handling and processing equipment. The Company’s ground-breaking Discrete Element Method (“DEM”) simulation technology and expertise provides unparalleled model calibration, virtual prototyping and validation capability for improved equipment design and product innovation that deliver optimized performance, increased productivity and improved operational efficiencies. In addition to market leading EDEM® simulation platform, EDEM Academic and EDEM BulkSim® software, the Company provides engineering support services to blue-chip companies around the world in mining, energy, discrete manufacturing and process industries.

Founded in 2003, the Company is headquartered in Edinburgh (UK) with offices in Denver (USA) and Yokohama (Japan) supporting direct sales in Europe, Americas, Japan, and Australia, and channel sales in the rest of the world. DEM Solutions also works with a network of industry-expert engineering service partners worldwide supporting customers in deployment of EDEM simulation technology to address engineering challenges involving bulk particles.

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