Flue Gas Cleaning System

Posted in: , on 14. Dec. 2012 - 07:43


please any body give me good advise

this is for flue gas cleaning system , we have two boilers ,out put is coming stack (12,000 CFM) . flue gas conatin several gases and urburn oil mist

what is the best way to cleaning system. we think wet scrubber system, I believe we put bag house oil mist will improve filter block. what is the best way.





Boundary Limit

Posted on 14. Dec. 2012 - 07:14

This question has nothing to do with Bulk Handling in any shape or form.

It deserves 4 runs at least but 6 would be better.

Flue Gas Cleaning System

Posted on 15. Dec. 2012 - 04:55

Go to any competent gas cleaning contractor but with better information. Fuel used, temperature, moisture content, dust loading, particle size distribution, chemical composition of gases, required emission level.

Michael Reid.