Starting Torque for Fluid Coupling

Posted in: , on 26. Jul. 2012 - 08:17

One of the reputed belt conveyor software vendor has recently mentioned in the documentation of their latest updated version, that for fluid coupling they are using a starting torque value as per following formula:

Starting Torque = Min Torque + (Max Torque – Min Torque) * Percent Demand Power

Upon inquiry the software vendor has mentioned that they have got the information from field testing. Can experts here in forum throw some light on the subject. Is there any documentation in support of the above proposition from reputed fluid coupling manufacturer or any repute published paper ? So far we are used to consider that starting energy will be same during starting of both empty and loaded belt. It appears that above approach is logical and brings economy in the design, but proper established documentation will help to standardize the aspect.

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Starting Torque For Fluid Coupling

Posted on 29. Jul. 2012 - 05:48

Far from an expert, I am used to seeing a factor of the prime mover, though I have seen similar for "fill control" couplings, though not fixed fill.

I do not generally accepts it's suitability in the former application.

Care to share your information?



Re: Starting Torque For Fluid Coupling

Posted on 29. Jul. 2012 - 07:59

Dear Lyle,

All I am referring to is for fixed fill fluid couplings only. So far we used to consider that starting energy will be same for all loaded and unloaded starting conditions and that torque will be maximum starting torque setting of the fluid coupling. But this software vendor suggest that starting torque will vary depending upon load condition (or effective tension at that condition). This way in many cases where we used to get empty starting slip as dictating factor for take-up selection may not be same now and will eventually lead to lower final take-up tension and lower belt rating. I need your opinion on that. Regards

Soft Start Fixed Fill Fluid Coupling

Posted on 30. Jul. 2012 - 09:22
Quote Originally Posted by ambhadView Post
Dear Lyle,

All I am referring to is for fixed fill fluid couplings only. So far we used to consider that starting energy will be same for all loaded and unloaded starting conditions and that torque will be maximum starting torque setting of the fluid coupling. But this software vendor suggest that starting torque will vary depending upon load condition (or effective tension at that condition). This way in many cases where we used to get empty starting slip as dictating factor for take-up selection may not be same now and will eventually lead to lower final take-up tension and lower belt rating. I need your opinion on that. Regards

First, the equations does not reflect the fill level. You can overfill or underfill - do not see this fact in the equation

Second, the equation does not reflect the motor torque curve - motor curve must cover the Fluid Coupling pump curve, according to the fill level. If not the coupling will stall unless the fill level is reduced. Then you may still have a quandry.

Third, I have never seen the proposed min, max and % motor torque equation.

We practice the Fluid Dynamic modeling of the lamda equation pump action for each given impeller configuration. The pump curve must include the effective pump diameter. The configuration of the impeller vanes have an effect on the torque delivery.

We have always started with the necessary pump torque equations you can get from the manufacturers. They are very guarded about the pump curve data.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Starting Torque For Fluid Coupling

Posted on 30. Jul. 2012 - 08:07

Dear Nordell,

Many thanks for your input. It appears that I could not make my point clear till now. I am referring exclusively about fixed fill fluid couplings and not variable filled scoop type couplings. As application engineers, we choose a type and a model of fluid coupling depending upon our requirement. We know different type of fixed fill fluid couplings can provide a minimum starting torque and a maximum starting torque based upon fill level. Let us consider that the maximum fill level is such that it is below the motor torque line and the motor does not get stalled. I think we got to believe the vendor's curve as authentic and the question of impeller/runner design etc. has been taken care of by them.

According to the software vendor "For example let say the minimum starting torque is set to 100%, and the maximum starting torque set to 140%. Then if the demand power for the empty belt is 15% of the motor nameplate rating, then the starting torque would be 100+(140-100) * 0.15 = 106% for that case. If the fully loaded power was 85% motor nameplate, then the starting torque would be 100+(150-100) * 0.85 = 134% for that case." Till now we used to consider that for both empty and full load start, starting torque will be same and will be 134%. The software vendor states "The idea behind this methodology is that the empty belt starting torque can be reduced from the fully loaded torque to more close match the real behavior of the couplings." Now you can easily observe that 106% starting torque will call for much less take-up tension to prevent drive pulley slipping for empty start than what would have happened with 134% starting torque. This will lead to saving in belt rating. I would like to get your opinion on this aspect, if I am clear. Well the relationship they have proposed may be a point of argument, but whether such lowering of starting torque during empty start is logical or not is the issue.

I also understand that fluid coupling manufacturers are the most authentic agency to clarify/confirm the subject and I am writing to them also for their perusal.

Fluid Coupling Torque With Fixed Fill Level

Posted on 30. Jul. 2012 - 10:22
Quote Originally Posted by ambhadView Post
Dear Nordell,

Many thanks for your input. It appears that I could not make my point clear till now. I am referring exclusively about fixed fill fluid couplings and not variable filled scoop type couplings. As application engineers, we choose a type and a model of fluid coupling depending upon our requirement. We know different type of fixed fill fluid couplings can provide a minimum starting torque and a maximum starting torque based upon fill level. Let us consider that the maximum fill level is such that it is below the motor torque line and the motor does not get stalled. I think we got to believe the vendor's curve as authentic and the question of impeller/runner design etc. has been taken care of by them.

According to the software vendor "For example let say the minimum starting torque is set to 100%, and the maximum starting torque set to 140%. Then if the demand power for the empty belt is 15% of the motor nameplate rating, then the starting torque would be 100+(140-100) * 0.15 = 106% for that case. If the fully loaded power was 85% motor nameplate, then the starting torque would be 100+(150-100) * 0.85 = 134% for that case." Till now we used to consider that for both empty and full load start, starting torque will be same and will be 134%. The software vendor states "The idea behind this methodology is that the empty belt starting torque can be reduced from the fully loaded torque to more close match the real behavior of the couplings." Now you can easily observe that 106% starting torque will call for much less take-up tension to prevent drive pulley slipping for empty start than what would have happened with 134% starting torque. This will lead to saving in belt rating. I would like to get your opinion on this aspect, if I am clear. Well the relationship they have proposed may be a point of argument, but whether such lowering of starting torque during empty start is logical or not is the issue.

I also understand that fluid coupling manufacturers are the most authentic agency to clarify/confirm the subject and I am writing to them also for their perusal.

Yes, we understand your comments above. Please note a fixed-fill level coupling still has the capacity to accept many fill levels. Once selected a fixed volume, the coupling will transmit a calculatable torques range associated with that specific coupling design and that volume of oil. Change the oil in the fixed-fill coupling, and you change the peak torque. The fixed fill peak torque is reached long before the belt reaches full speed. It gets quite complicated to give a rule-of-thumb. So long as the motor torque does not cross the coupling output torque, this concept works. We have modeling tools that render the torques values to the belt with any coupling and any fill, for most designs.

With regard to your formula, I doubt it has any validity. If the motor and coupling have sufficient torque to accerate the drive to full speed before the belt reaches full speed, this is the point peak torque is achieved, given the fixed fill. Once peak torque is reached, typically above 160% of motor nameplate, the coupling will output torque along the coupling fluid slip curve, typically dropping torque according to the fluid slip ratio between runner and impelller. Numbers like 140% starting torque are highly misleading. They are often exceeded with fixed fill couplings. That is why delay fill chambers were invented.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Starting Torque For Fluid Coupling

Posted on 31. Jul. 2012 - 06:50

Dear Nordell,

The software vendor has given the following explanation:

" The bottom line is if you want to do TV,TVV, or TVVS couplings correctly then you need the manufactures k/lambda skip curves and be able to model both the coupling and the flexible dynamic behavior of the belt. This is indeed what we do with our in house dynamic analysis software. Starting torque is a function of fill rate, time, slip, oil viscosity, and MANY other factors.

Rigid dynamics assume you have a CONTSTAT acceleration during starting (hence the definition of rigid dynamic). With rigid dynamics you need is select a SPECIFIC torque during starting (when in fact it is varying over time).

Let's say you select a fixed 165% starting torque. This very well may be quite accurate for a loaded belt start and the rigid dynamic predictions for belt tensions and time will be correct. However, the empty belt may start VERY quickly and thus the tension will show that slip is a problem. The engineer would then need to INCREASE the take-up mass to account for the empty belt slip condition. However, in the field we have seen that for the quick acceleration time the fluid coupling torque really doesn't hit the 165% instantly, but this develops in a given time period. Over this period the developing torque is sufficient to start the empty belt. For example instead of the empty belt starting is say 0.5 seconds, it might be more like 1 second. Of course this depends on MANY factors but this is the basic idea.

Therefore in order is more accurately model this behavior we have added this simple methodology. Again in our opinion this is more accurate than using a fixed 165% (or whatever) motor torque for all cases. Of course if you are looking for the best accuracy you need to get the real coupling k/lambda skip curves, and several other coupling parameters for the manufactures and then do a full dynamic analysis of the conveyor.

Attached is a perfect example of a loaded verse unloaded start. These are from the manufacture and are theoretical, but we have seen this in our measurements on many conveyors in the field."

I hope now it will now be more clear. Please note that I am no way trying to push the vendor's marketing. i am only trying to come to a consensus so that we can get some agreed benefit in static (or rigid dynamic) analysis. Regards

Quote Originally Posted by nordellView Post
Yes, we understand your comments above. Please note a fixed-fill level coupling still has the capacity to accept many fill levels. Once selected a fixed volume, the coupling will transmit a calculatable torques range associated with that specific coupling design and that volume of oil. Change the oil in the fixed-fill coupling, and you change the peak torque. The fixed fill peak torque is reached long before the belt reaches full speed. It gets quite complicated to give a rule-of-thumb. So long as the motor torque does not cross the coupling output torque, this concept works. We have modeling tools that render the torques values to the belt with any coupling and any fill, for most designs.

With regard to your formula, I doubt it has any validity. If the motor and coupling have sufficient torque to accerate the drive to full speed before the belt reaches full speed, this is the point peak torque is achieved, given the fixed fill. Once peak torque is reached, typically above 160% of motor nameplate, the coupling will output torque along the coupling fluid slip curve, typically dropping torque according to the fluid slip ratio between runner and impelller. Numbers like 140% starting torque are highly misleading. They are often exceeded with fixed fill couplings. That is why delay fill chambers were invented.


unloaded (JPG)

loaded (JPG)

Re: Starting Torque For Fluid Coupling

Posted on 2. Aug. 2012 - 05:50

Dear Nordell,

I request your opinion on my last posting. Regards

(not verified)

Re: Starting Torque For Fluid Coupling

Posted on 28. Aug. 2012 - 06:25


The formula Quoted above " Starting Torque = Min Torque + (Max Torque – Min Torque) * Percent Demand Power" seems to be logical only for Extended Delay Chamber fluid coupling. For extended delay chamber fluid coupling, the starting torque is initially low and it gradually increases as more oil flows to the operating chamber. The maximum transferable torque through the coupling depends on many factors including % fill (oil quantity), viscosity etc.

Now if the belt is started empty then it will only see the initial starting torque at the beginning and it will get accelerated following the coupling torque curve till it attain full speed. Then the torque will reduced to empty running torque. It is more likely that at empty condition conveyor will attain full speed before all fluid flows to the operating chamber. Hence conveyor will never experience max starting torque during empty starting.

If we consider the coupling torque curve is linear during conveyor acceleration then we can say the max torque at any demand loading will be proportionate to the % demand and that is what above formula says. Refer the attached mark up for illustration. This is very coarse form of approximation and I've not found any written or established document supporting this.

By the way there are other starting method to control the empty starting acceleration and to reduce take up tension. Example Resistant starter, Controlled start transmission (CST) etc.


fluid coupling curve modified (JPG)

Re: Starting Torque For Fluid Coupling

Posted on 28. Aug. 2012 - 10:51

Many thanks to you deyabhijit2005mech for your valued input and very explanatory graphics. However, I find no reason why the principle can not be applied for fluid couplings without delay chambers. In fact such fluid couplings will also follow a starting curve from zero to peak depeding on the level of filling and will exibhit similar behaviour. But couplings without delay chamber can not provide minimum torque as low as couplings with delay chamber. Hence in such cases effect will be less than couplings with delay chambers.

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Softened Fluid Couplings

Posted on 3. Sep. 2012 - 08:55

Dear Mr. Ambhad,

quotation: "However, I find no reason why the principle can not be applied for fluid couplings without delay chambers."

please allow me to insist on the correctness of the explanations of Mr. Nordell. From a practical point of view, a constant fill - fluid coupling may only be adapted to lower peak / starting torques (which are values imposed by the conveyor!) by decreasing the fill level beforehand. If you now try to run the loaded conveyor @ lesser fill --> slip + temperature etc.. I think, that maybe some manufacturer will sing along the same lines.

--> Invitation to put sthg in for all those around...

Delay chamber fluid coupling, that's the ticket if starting torque is critical. Or else, as collegues above pointed out.

Let me warn you, please, about operating personnel, who one day (because of frequent blowoffs in hot climate operation) replaced the melting screw with something stronger.
