Automatic Wagon Loading System

Posted in: , on 23. Aug. 2011 - 10:24

Order for Concept Designing for Automatic Wagon loading System for Fertiliser Plant

Indian Fertilizer Industries are facing problems for loading finished product ( Bagged Fertilser ) in wagons due to following reasons--

1. Non availability of manpower.

2. Lesser time given by Railway for loading a rake (Earlier was about 10 hours,now at present is 6 hours and very shortly this will be 4


Due to above reasons, most of the Industries where loading of the bagged product is required facing lot of problems. Recently, we did concept planning for a cement plant for loading the bags in to wagons,here the chellenge was that the railway platform/rail track was not strait .

Libran Engineering got one more order for concept planning for loading fertilser bags in to wagons automatically thus reducing manpower by more then 75% for a fertilizer plant based in south of India.

The problems of getting rakes and availability for manpower spacially loading and unloading of bulk materials getting verse day by day and Industries are putting more money and time to import and export their cargoes thus reducing profits.

We have more then 32 years of exposure for developing innovative systems for handing Bulk materials in any shape.


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