Steel Cord Rating Specifications

Posted in: , on 9. Jun. 2011 - 19:30

Steel cord rating specifications are different from Fabric belts

Dear experts,

When the fabric belts ratings are mentioned as 1000/4 or 500/3 etc in KN/m, why steel cord belts are simply as ST1000, ST2500 etc.,?

Why KN/m is not applicable to them?


Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Steel Cord Rating Specifications

Posted on 9. Jun. 2011 - 10:21

ST1000 = 1000 kN/m (similar to 1000/4 = 1000 kN/m).



Re: Steel Cord Rating Specifications

Posted on 11. Jun. 2011 - 02:49

Dear Mr.Lyle,

Please consider 1400 mm fabric belt & 1400 mm steel cord belt. Fabric belt specification is 1000/4. Steel cord belt is ST1000.

So the fabric belt total tensile load will be = (1000 KN/1 m) x 1.4 m = 1400 KN.

But in steel cord belt it directly given as 1000 KN for the above 1400 mm belt. ( It is not 1400 KN ). Why ?


Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Steel Cord Rating Specifications

Posted on 11. Jun. 2011 - 11:13

Suggest the following:




1400 mm wide

For both:

UTS = 1000 x 1.4 = 1400 kN.



Re: Steel Cord Rating Specifications

Posted on 12. Jun. 2011 - 08:48

I do not know the details for the question. Fabric belt needs a higher safety factor usually 10: while conventional steel cord is 6.7:1. Thus, a fabric belt needs to be 10/6.7 = 1.49 times stronger for the same belt tension rating.

There are many reasons for the higher safety margins on fabric. Some have to do with the splice fatigue endurance. Which is complex subject. Some have to do with the fabric construction and tensioning techniques used during manufacturing, another complex subject. Third, there are substantial differences between technologies of manufacturers, that are dumbed-down by standards to make everybody appear to be equal in the eyes of the standards. To bad for technology improvements and advancement in "fit-for-purpose".

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Steel Cord Rating Specifications

Posted on 12. Jun. 2011 - 08:49

A slight correction. When I referred to belt tension rating I was referencing the apply belt tension vs. the belt rating. Sorry.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Steel Cord Rating Specifications

Posted on 14. Jun. 2011 - 02:29

Safety factor of fabric belt=10

Safety factor steelcord =6.7

Take a 3 ply fabric belt and splice it in normal way. You get only two junctions between adjacent plies. as the plies butt up to each other. So effectivelt you get two plies that are actually taking the load out of the three.. so.. 2/3 x sf of 10 = 6.7 i.e. same as steelcord.


LSL Tekpro

Graham Spriggs