Belt Profile & Ampere Relations

Posted in: , on 5. May. 2011 - 09:11

Dear all,

Please assume Conveyor A of 100 metres long ( Centre to centre distance between drive & tail pulley).

It has three pulleys Drive ( as well as discharge pulley) , drive snub pulley & a tail pulley mounted on a screw take up.

Also there is a Conveyor B of same length but having 3 additional pulleys - two bend pulleys and one vertical take up pulley. The pulleys installed are drive ( as well as discharge pulley) , drive snub pulley, head end bend pulley, take up pulley , tail end bend pulley , tail pulley.

Both conveyors are horizontal , same TPH and the same designed rollers installed at same pitch.

How much percentage of ampere will be more in B than that of A ? I feel at each bend and each pulley will consume power.

Thanks & regards,

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Belt Profile & Ampere Relations

Posted on 5. May. 2011 - 01:50

In theory yes, though practically it may not make a significant difference - crunch the numbers (ref ISO 5048 or the following and see for yourself.



Re: Belt Profile & Ampere Relations

Posted on 6. May. 2011 - 02:31

Too true Lyle..

And especially if the conveyors have some lift as well, in which case, the power absorbed by the additional pulleys becomes totally insignificant in the overall picture.

(Incidentally, I can't for the life of me think why you would want to put a snub pulley at the head of a short 100m conveyor though!)


LSL Tekpro

Graham Spriggs