"bulk solids handling" in Leadville, CO

Posted in: , on 13. Dec. 2010 - 20:11

Dear Reinhard,

I have been collecting "Bulk Solids Handling" magazines since you have recommended me to become a member of the Editorial Board. Which I thank you for it. It helped me in my technical*work and created good reputation for me. It also became a significant part of my Engineering Library. Since*I left Soros in 1964, I always had some Engineering work.

We have rented a storage space where some of the BSH magazines and other technical items and furniture were stored. We decided to cut our costs and give up the storage. Our home is not big enough to store everything.

I actively looked for some library or technical entity to take my books.

My good friend Ralph Horak was interested and I mailed to him 5 liqueur boxes with mainly books.

During our wonderful September vacation trip through Colorado-Utah-Arizona National Parks I visited the Leadville*Colorado National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum and they expressed interest in the books and in the BSH.

At the beginning of November my daughter Nicole will drive from NY to our Dillon Co home a trailer with furniture, clothing, etc. She will carry 12 liqueur boxes with all the books and BSH magazines. I believe*the museum will be a good place for the books.*It is a donation and the delivery*is free for them, so they were anxious to receive it.

Through BSH I always felt close to you, so I wanted to inform you about this.

Hope this mail will find you and Ute in good health, and we wish to Victoria a quick recuperation.

Best regards,

Andrew Zador

"Bulk Solids Handling" In Leadville, Co

Posted on 13. Dec. 2010 - 07:24

Dear Andy,

Thank you so much for your comments. I think it is great that you donated your "bulk solids handllng" collection to the Leadville*Colorado National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum. I am sure that many articles we published will be of interest also in the future.

I do hope that the present Publishers of "bulk solids handling" will decide to donate all forthcoming issues to the Museum, so that the collection will always be complete.

Your od friend

Reinhard Wohlbier


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