2011 MHEA Bulk Handling Conference

Posted in: , on 11. Dec. 2010 - 17:36

Call for Papers

2011 MHEA Bulk Handling Conference

May 11-12, 2011

Forest Pines

Conference Centre North Lincolnshire

Sponsored by:

Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Organised by:

The Materials Handling Engineers Association

For further information please contact:

Peter Webster, MHEA Secretary

Tel: +44(0)1353 666298






href="http://www.mhea.co.uk" target="blank">www.mhea.co.uk

Initial submissions, in form of a synopsis, should be addressed to the secretary Mr Peter Webster by e-mail to


href="mailto:pw@mhea.co.uk">pw@mhea.co.uk To be received by Dec 31st 2010.

A fresh and dynamic approach to our annual event

As one of this Country’s pre eminent Trade Association’s the MHEA (now in its 73rd year) has an enviable history in the bulk handling sector for Material Handling with past and present involvement of some of the pivotal innovators in the field.

To reflect changes in the nature of the industry in recent decades, a strategic structural review has been implemented aimed at creating a new and invigorating conference format delivering greater value, interest and relevance to our members and guests.

The event has moved to a highly attractive North Lincolnshire, easily accessible location at the Forest Pines Resort Complex which provides superb facilities for business, conference and leisure. The timing has been amended to give a more balanced event over a Wednesday / Thursday, to allow time to travel on the Wednesday morning, and the offering the option of a sports event /leisure break on the Friday. The event will encompass keynote and plenary presentations, gala dinner and after dinner speaker entertainment.

Accompanying the conference will be a related exhibition, integrated into the conference area. Opportunities are available for event and item sponsorship ensuring outstanding opportunities for corporate entertainment and networking.

Moving from a specifically focussed technical seminar to a more all embracing Industry Conference we aim to broaden the delegate profile and include all matters relating to bulk handling with a separate provision for commercial presentations.

Conference Papers will finally be determined by the contributions received but are likely to include:

• Developments in conveying and material transport

• Drives and transmissions

• Loading, unloading, storage and reclaim

• Crushing, screening and washing

• Control of impact, abrasion and erosion

• Spillage and dust control

• Storage and reclaim

• Biomass handling

• Waste and recycling

• Control, metering and management systems

• Energy efficiency

• Operation and maintenance

• Regulatory compliance and H & S matters

Submissions relating to technical innovation or process improvements will be given preference, particularly those relating to heavy industries such as minerals processing and cement, metal manufacture, power, port operations, mining, waste processing and recycling.

Specific timetabled slots in the programme are available for commercial presentations which can also be arranged through the secretary.

Please also open PDF attached.

For more information, please visit:


href="https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile/2270-mhea-materials-handling-engineers-association.htm" target="blank">https://edir.bulk-online.com/profile...ssociation.htm


href="http://www.google.de/search?num=100&hl=de&client=safari&rls=en&q=MHEA+site%3Abulk-online.com&btnG=Suche&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gsrfai=" target="blank">http://www.google.de/search?num=100&...=&oq=&gsrfai=


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