SHAPA 2010 Knowledge Conference

SHAPA 2010 Knowledge Conference

The SHAPA Knowledge Conference is being held on Tuesday 5th October 2010 at the centrally located Imago Holywell Park Conference Centre on the Loughborough University site in Leicestershire.

Building on the success of last year's Conference it will provide concise information from industry professionals on technical, commercial and legal aspects of solids and bulk powder handling, with handy reference notes to take away - all in one day.

The Solids Handling and Processing Association (SHAPA), recognised as the UK's leading specialist association for engineers in bulk solids handling, is once again calling upon the depth of knowledge within the membership and its contacts to bring you up to date in one well structured and enjoyable day.

Not only that, the day will be organised to allow time for - and indeed encourage - valuable exchanges of ideas and opportunities for networking with associates and potential clients.

The day includes two keynote addresses: "The outlook for British manufacturing" by Jeegar Kakkad of the Engineering Employers Federation (EEF) and 'Why Carbon Management matters to you' by Dr Wendy Buckley of leading management company Carbon Footprint Ltd.

Ten punchy presentations in two streams during the day cover diverse topics such as explosion safety, the Machinery Directive, improving productivity, batch and continuous mixing, conveying technologies and others. Delegates may select the sessions that best suit their needs, with efficiency and economy at the heart of many of the presentations. All will receive material from every session, whether individually attended or not.

Focused discussion groups, new for this year, on the topics presented give a further opportunity to meet and learn from speakers and other delegates. In addition there will be table top displays illustrating techniques and capabilities of a number of companies.

More information and conference Agenda can be obtained by clicking on rthe PDFs at the bottom.

For more information on SHAPA, please visit:


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