Phosphates & The Environment

Posted in: , on 2. Jul. 2010 - 13:27

Phosphates and The Environment

We have the pleasure of presenting the attached pdf document number 75 of the SCOPE Newsletter (Scientific Committee On Phosphates in Europe), presenting recent scientific research concerning eutrophication, phosphorus removal from waste waters and phosphate recovery and recycling.

The SCOPE Newsletter is produced several times yearly by CEEP (Centre Europen d 'Etudes des Polyphosphates ), the phosphate industry's research association and a sector group of Cefic (the European Chemical Industry Council).

If you know of colleagues or contacts who would be interested in receiving this Newsletter for free, please pass it on to them, so that they can subscribe at

CEEP - a Cefic Sector Group - avenue E. van Nieuwenhuyse 4 bt 2, B1160 Bruxelles, Belgium


scope newsletter 75 (PDF)

a1_1 (JPG)

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