Literature on Wagon Tippler & S/Rs

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 7. May. 2010 - 09:15

Can any one provide with info on Books or Literature available for wagon tippler and stacker reclaimer

Re: Literature On Wagon Tippler & S/Rs

Posted on 7. Jan. 2016 - 01:59
Quote Originally Posted by aechView Post
Can any one provide with info on Books or Literature available for wagon tippler and stacker reclaimer

Dear Sir. Wohbler book is available for understanding the design standard of stacker reclaimer.




Posted on 7. Jan. 2016 - 07:14

Answers to this reasonable post were sadly overdue.

For old time's sake I just, today, looked up the Trans Tech Publications website: contact which was the original publishing house for such literature.

The original publications were compiled in the 1980's and there was some following work during the 1990's but nothing after that.

Those TransTech books seem to be out of print: folk have asked before. I don't remember anything about wagon tipplers but there was quite a good book for stacking and reclaiming.

The e-library on these forums proved quite inaccessible: maybe I was hitting the wrong buttons. Whatever.

There may be German books.

Your best bet is to explore manufacturers' literature. PHB Weserhutte, now in Spain, have an extensive reference which includes some models they don't make themselves but have kept on record for interest sake.

For Wagon Tipplers the source for knowledge must be Heyl & Patterson who were originally PO Box 15, Pittsburgh. They can tell you more than any textbook.

Happy hunting!

John Gateley