Sandvik Germany: Conveyor Positions

Posted in: , on 20. Apr. 2010 - 17:01

Conveyor Component Product Line and Engineering Jobs at Sandvik in Germany

Sandvik Mining and Construction is establishing our global management and engineering center for Conveyor Components in Essen, Germany. Right now we have 7 open positions for engineers and product managers for conveyor components. These positions will be located in Essen, Germany. The positions we have open are:

Product Line Manager for Pulleys

Product Line Manager for Conveyor Accessories (Cleaners, Safety Devices, Belt Winders, etc.)

Sales and Market Support Manager for Conveyor Components

4 Design Engineers

The establishment of a group such as this focused on conveyor components does not happen very often. These positions will be guiding, developing and support our product offering globally.

For more information or to apply please go to:

Andrew Hustrulid

Global Product Line Manager Conveyor Components

Sandvik Mining and Construction

Andrew Hustrulid, Ph.D., PE [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]

Re: Sandvik Germany: Conveyor Positions

Posted on 1. Jul. 2010 - 10:32
Quote Originally Posted by ahustrulidView Post
Conveyor Component Product Line and Engineering Jobs at Sandvik in Germany

Sandvik Mining and Construction is establishing our global management and engineering center for Conveyor Components in Essen, Germany. Right now we have 7 open positions for engineers and product managers for conveyor components. These positions will be located in Essen, Germany. The positions we have open are:

Product Line Manager for Pulleys

Product Line Manager for Conveyor Accessories (Cleaners, Safety Devices, Belt Winders, etc.)

Sales and Market Support Manager for Conveyor Components

4 Design Engineers

The establishment of a group such as this focused on conveyor components does not happen very often. These positions will be guiding, developing and support our product offering globally.

For more information or to apply please go to:

Andrew Hustrulid

Global Product Line Manager Conveyor Components

Sandvik Mining and Construction

Hello Mr. Hustrulid

Me and my wife are 2 romanian mechanical design engineers with a total experience of 5 years (especially in automotive industry) but in the last year we have worked on a project (belt filter) for the mining industry and now we are quite interested in continuing this field of engineering. We saw that there are opportunities all other the world with your company... we are interested in finding something in Brazil, Australia or Germany, is there a possibility to give us a contact person with who we may speak about this?

Thank you