Characterisation of Nanoparticles

Reliable characterisation of nanoparticles

Co-Nanomet workshop, 28 and 29 April 2010, CCN East, Nuremberg "Instruments, standard methods and reference materials for traceable nanoparticle characterisation"

How well can we characterise nanoparticles? A scientific workshop to discuss the state of the 'art' of nanoparticles characterisation will be held in Nuernberg (28-29/4/2010) and bring together stakeholders involved in the science of nanoparticle measurements, such as manufacturers of nanoparticles, (eco)toxicologists, developers of measurement techniques, representatives of standardisation bodies and authorities.

The workshop is organised in the framework of Co-Nanomet, an EC-funded project to develop European measurement capacity and know-how for the industrial exploitation of nanotechnology. The workshop takes place parallel to the 6th World Congress on Particle Technology/PARTEC and the international exhibitions POWTECH and TechnoPharm, where latest developments in processing and characterisation of particle systems are presented.

All speakers of the workshop are renowned experts in the field of particle characterisation or measurement science. They are engaged in the European Nanometrology action group of Engineered Nanoparticles or lead standardisation work in the ISO Technical Committee "Particle Characterization" (ISO/TC 24/SC 4). The workshop will benefit from this gathered expertise when formulating the current and future needs in nanoparticle metrology.

After the workshop a report will be published with excerpts from all talks and the subsequent discussions.

Workshop topics:

•assess the current metrology status with regard to:

-relevant measurands depending on the context of the measurement (what should we try to measure?)

-available measurement techniques, their limits and fields of application (how can we measure?)

-the dissemination of such techniques to science, industry and public authorities

-traceability (which results and values can be compared?) and measurement uncertainty

(how accurate are our measurement results?)

-standardisation (which methods are or should be harmonised?)

-reference materials (how can we proof that our measurement values are accurate?)

•reveal current and future needs for particles metrology.

The detailed programme and On-line registration are accessible under

Dr. Michael Stintz and Dr. Gert Roebben

PD Dr.-Ing.habil. Michael Stintz

Technische Universität Dresden

Institute of Process Engineering and Environmental Technology

Research Group Mechanical Process Engineering

01062 Dresden


Tel.: +49-351-463-35176

Fax: +49-351-463-37058


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