Shipping Solution Needed

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 29. Dec. 2009 - 23:40

Hello there. We have a startup company that will be shipping 500 to 1000 orders a day. The packages are roughly 8-10 ounces, and we are looking for a way to get things rolling. Right now, we see the orders come through our salesforce CRM and we manually enter the shipping information into the Pitney Bowes ShipStream Manager. This is easy now, but when our pace picks up, we will be swamped. Does anyone know of a shipping solution that can automatically import our data from into the ShipStream Manager so that we can just auto populate the HUNDERDS even THOUSANDS of labels that we will need? Any information would be awesome! Thanks in advance!

Post On Post

Posted on 30. Dec. 2009 - 06:17

To get things rolling you might consider roller conveyors.

Software interfacing for unitary consignments is hardly an appropriate topic for these forums.

Admittedly we have observed and not complained about postings for container stuffing software because it is an interesting topic and has some relevance to our scale of project logistics. Pure parcel delivery operations are another matter altogether.