Weight of Portal Reclaimer & Stacker

Posted in: , on 26. Aug. 2009 - 20:56

Hello All,

I'm involved in a project to construct a large wall in the vicinity of a Stacker & Portal Reclaimer. There is a possibility that either of the machines could impact the wall, and therefore I need to estimate the weight of each machine. Unfortunately due to poor record keeping, we have no information at the plant about these 1974 vintage machines. In addition I have been unsuccessful at securing any information from the OEM.

Here are a few details:


20.2 m Clinker Stacker

Link Belt FMC of Canada

Built in 1974


106' Portal Reclaimer

PHB Pohlig-Heckel-Bleichert

Built in 1974

Anyone care to venture a guess how much each of these might weigh? Even a ballpark number, or the size & weight of a similar design of stacker or reclaimer would help me out.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Weight Of Portal Reclaimer & Stacker

Posted on 26. Aug. 2009 - 07:34

Dear epeters,

Why don’t you just weigh the equipment.

By using hydraulic jacks and load cells under the hydraulic jacks, the loads at the chosen locations are measured.

(Just using the cylinder size and the cylinder pressure might be not accurate enough)

Execute this once side ways and once perpendicular to side ways and the center of gravity and the weight can be calculated.

I did this for a 450 ton rail mounted grain unloader in the 1980’s and it was done within one day.




(not verified)

Re: Weight Of Portal Reclaimer & Stacker

Posted on 26. Aug. 2009 - 08:42


for a quick and dirty estimation some photos would be helpful.

Weighing the machines is the best way to get the exact weight (normally there must be suitable jacking pads for that)...

The other way would be to make proper buffers (hydraulic buffers with suitable structure and groundwork) to protect the machines from hitting your wall.

Re: Weight Of Portal Reclaimer & Stacker

Posted on 26. Aug. 2009 - 08:49

Hi engineer,

To make proper buffers, capable of absorbing the kinetic energy of the moving structures, it is necessary to know the mass and the velocity of the units.

And the mass is yet unknown.




Thyssenkrupp Robins Inc. - Phb

Posted on 27. Aug. 2009 - 09:42


The former companies PHB, PWH and O&K (Mat. Handling Div.) are no longer existing and are now part of ThyssenKrupp Foerdertechnik.

Our U.S. subsidiary ThyssenKrupp Robins services many of the former PHB/PWH and O&K machines in North America.

Can you provide us with client name and location? With that information we should be able to find the technical data from 1974.

Best Regards,

Peter Sehl

General Manager, Sales & Service
