John Rozentals - LATS Research, Australia
(not verified)

Talk To Vendors

Posted on 18. Aug. 2009 - 07:03


Try talking to cross-belt Vendors. Their technical department will be glad to hear from you and share their experiences direct.

Regards - john.p>Engineering Tips

Re: Cross Belt Magnetic Separator

Posted on 29. Jul. 2010 - 07:00

Dear Shri Sathish Hariharan,

I understand you intend to put CBM in concave zone of the conveyor. One can place the cross belt magnetic separator in concave zone if the conveyor design has taken adequate radius so that belt will never lift up in any of the operational situations as below:

Conveyor fully loaded but empty at this zone, steady running.

Conveyor fully loaded but empty at this zone, starting status.

Conveyor fully loaded but empty at this zone, stopping status.

Conveyor empty, steady running.

Conveyor empty, starting status.

Conveyor empty, stopping status.

In all the above situations belt mass is to be considered corresponding to worn out status of the belt i.e. belt weight not as if brand new.

The above mentions only six conditions as a general guide. But belt conveyor is also designed for partial loading and in all these situations belt should not get lifted up from the carrying run.

One can also install single roller on each side of magnetic separator such that same will not allow the rubbing of belt with the bottom of the CBM, but this is to be treated as a final safety.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Pune, India.

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25871916
