Industries Employing Metal Powder (Flow)

Posted in: , on 20. May. 2009 - 03:52

List of terrestrial industries employing metal powder (flow)

Dear All,

I was going to post this message on the industry thread but there doesn't seem to be a suitable sub-topic so I hope you don't mind the post in the General Forum.

My background is in propulsion and I'm working towards a research degree addressing the issue of using metal powder as a fuel. There are a number of modes of transferring the metal powder and the most appropriate seems to be the pneumatic transfer using a fluidising gas. I already obtained most non-propietary information on propulsion so what I'd like to do is expand my search and seek information from the 'terrestrial' industry.

I therefore seek a list of all industries that employ the pneumatic transfer of metal powders/particles besides the obvious, i.e. metal powder production companies such as Alcoa, Alpoco etc.

Any assistance would be appreciated.



Dust Explosion Phenomenon

Posted on 21. May. 2009 - 03:03

Hallo Abdul,

This sounds familiair. Do you use dust explosion phenomenon to generate electricity with this fuel? I have written this technology in paper and a colleque of mine has built a lab version to prove its working. I'm sure, metal powders has the highest energy content, but very expensive to grind it into combustable particulates.

If you are interested to receive my document freely, i can sent it to you. Perhaps, we can work together.

With kind regards,

Ing. Eddy Sait

Owner BlueBall AEE

The Netherlands


Re: Industries Employing Metal Powder (Flow)

Posted on 22. May. 2009 - 12:01

>Do you use dust explosion phenomenon to generate electricity with this fuel?<

No quite. The combustion process is to create energy to for propulsion.

At the moment, I'm only working on a literature review so I'm trying to cover all industries that employ the pnuematic transfer of metal powder. I may be in the position to collaborate in the future, but not just yet because I need to focus on the academic element because if I don't succeed, there will be no future experiments!

Pnematic Transfer Of Metal Powders

Posted on 28. May. 2009 - 09:08

It is not clear whether you are interested in Companies or Industries that handle metallic powder pneumatically, and for what reason. Regarding the principle of this method of conveying, the first thing is to establish the flow route and capacity to be handled in order to select the most appropriate form; i.e. dense phase, lean phase, pressurised or vacuum. Very simply, vacuum is usually used for short distances and relatively low rates while pressure systems deal with larger installations. Associated with this theme should be interest in the flow properties of the powders, as this will dictate the handling and feeding characteristics..

If you outline the specific objectives it would be easier to give guidance.

Re: Industries Employing Metal Powder (Flow)

Posted on 28. May. 2009 - 12:35

Hi Lyn,

I'm currently conducting a literature review on the flow of metal powders to determine "throttleability" both in lean and dense phase.

I'm not interested in the companies per se but a directory would help albeit I'm more interested in the industries and applications that employ the flow of metal powders. I'll then be able to read around the subject and then come back with more specific questions.

Most of the propulsion papers I have focus on the combustion of metal powders but they all glance over the topic of metal powder feed. They simply state that they fed the powders with "x" pressure whereas others pointed out that spinning in terrestrial technologies aren't feasible without elaborating on why. Frankly speaking, I don't want to take their word as Gospel and I wish to do my own research. The problem is, I'm in need of assistance in identifying as many applications in this field.

I was involved in one such rocket engine project in the 1990's when we fed magesnium metal powder (-325 mesh/40 micron) but that was by trial and error, i.e. we determined the thrust required, factored in the losses and then used nitrogen to feed the powder as a specified feed pressure.

What we - and others - failed to address is the science behind the flow and for that, I felt it appropriate to look into what has been done terrestrially.

At this point in time, the actual application is not important. I just want to see what's been done and via critical review, I can eliminate those concepts which are not relevant.

Therefore what I'm after is a shopping list of applications that use pneumatic transferral of metal powder or perhaps another product of similar consistency. Can you assist, please?



Metal Powders

Posted on 28. May. 2009 - 12:48

The problem of pneumatically conveying metal powders is that the particle density is very high, so a high gas velocity is required and this may lead to abrasion problems. I suggest your best course of action is to approach a few specialist pneumatic conveying companies, such as Neu Engineering, to secure guidance, or read a book on the subject, such as 'Handbook of pneumatic conveying engineering' by David Mills.