Underwater Crusher

Posted in: , on 16. Feb. 2009 - 23:50

I'm in need of a design firm or someone who could help design a Towed Underwater device that would move along the sea bottom, collecting and crushing small Mussels. Any help on this would be appreciated.

Underwater Crusher Proposal

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 05:36

Hi Diablo

I find this could be feasible and challenging for me to take this designing job, but I have got more querries like the location of installation, depth of installation, exact process for collecting mussels, the application of crushed mussels, how much capacity you like to crush and extract per hour and further more details whatever you can provide to me.

Could you able to give me some photographs of this type of Mussel collection and crushing which you may doing now, So I could come out out with some layout and proposals.

Regards, Harish kumar R

Underwater Crusher Proposal

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 05:36

Hi Diablo

I find this could be feasible and challenging for me to take this designing job, but I have got more querries like the location of installation, depth of installation, exact process for collecting mussels, the application of crushed mussels, how much capacity you like to crush and extract per hour and further more details whatever you can provide to me.

Could you able to give me some photographs of this type of Mussel collection and crushing which you may doing now, So I could come out out with some layout and proposals.

Regards, Harish kumar R

Under Water Crusher

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 12:44

Dear Sirs:

In order to to evaluate the required device I need additional information:

working condition: location, maximum depth, speed machine, capacity of process, describe the requested process and other information you seem necesary for a better evaluation.

Best rgds

Armando Sartori

Global TyS S.A.

Under Water Crusher

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 12:44

Dear Sirs:

In order to to evaluate the required device I need additional information:

working condition: location, maximum depth, speed machine, capacity of process, describe the requested process and other information you seem necesary for a better evaluation.

Best rgds

Armando Sartori

Global TyS S.A.

Project Automation
(not verified)

Underwater Crusher

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 05:55


Project Automation is a supplier of custom automation equipment. We posses expertise and experience with various crushing technologies. In order to quote on the underwater crushing equipment you describe we will require additional technical data. Please contact us at Dan.Dorey@projectautomation.com


Dan Dorey

Vice President Business Development

Project Automation
(not verified)

Underwater Crusher

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 05:55


Project Automation is a supplier of custom automation equipment. We posses expertise and experience with various crushing technologies. In order to quote on the underwater crushing equipment you describe we will require additional technical data. Please contact us at Dan.Dorey@projectautomation.com


Dan Dorey

Vice President Business Development

Re: Underwater Crusher

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 06:08

Warman Pumps make an attritor which sits just upstream of the impeller. So you can leave the pump motor on a barge; dangle the suction hose onto the seabed and smash the dredged up mussels as required. Then you deliver up to a tank, float the product into shells & flesh before returning the shells to the seabed. Weir Warman might just be able to advise you on submerged pump selection. If they can't there are a few others.

How much more help do you need?

Re: Underwater Crusher

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 06:08

Warman Pumps make an attritor which sits just upstream of the impeller. So you can leave the pump motor on a barge; dangle the suction hose onto the seabed and smash the dredged up mussels as required. Then you deliver up to a tank, float the product into shells & flesh before returning the shells to the seabed. Weir Warman might just be able to advise you on submerged pump selection. If they can't there are a few others.

How much more help do you need?

Underwater Crusher

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 06:16

diablo30se - I'd be happy to help out. As mentioned by others, a few more details are needed. Then, we can develop a concept. From the concept, we can better assess the level of engineering required.

Contact: jlewis@nkteng.com

Underwater Crusher

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 06:16

diablo30se - I'd be happy to help out. As mentioned by others, a few more details are needed. Then, we can develop a concept. From the concept, we can better assess the level of engineering required.

Contact: jlewis@nkteng.com

Muscling In On Mussles Etc.

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 09:27
Quote Originally Posted by diablo30seView Post
I'm in need of a design firm or someone who could help design a towed Underwater device that would move along the sea bottom, collecting and crushing small mussels. Any help on this would be appreciated.


A dredge must be anchored to work either with leg anchor poles or a number of cable anchors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the mud cat folks offer a remote control dredge that is track driven for shallow depth applications.

If you are referring to zebra or quagga mussels why not say so!!!!!!!

Killing those mussels does not solve the problem of mussle spawn where using a mud cat dredge with a solids separator will remove all the solids with fine screens and desilting cones.

Why design one when it has aready been done by mud cat dredge.

As louis said a detriter will work with a dreging head.



Muscling In On Mussles Etc.

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 09:27
Quote Originally Posted by diablo30seView Post
I'm in need of a design firm or someone who could help design a towed Underwater device that would move along the sea bottom, collecting and crushing small mussels. Any help on this would be appreciated.


A dredge must be anchored to work either with leg anchor poles or a number of cable anchors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the mud cat folks offer a remote control dredge that is track driven for shallow depth applications.

If you are referring to zebra or quagga mussels why not say so!!!!!!!

Killing those mussels does not solve the problem of mussle spawn where using a mud cat dredge with a solids separator will remove all the solids with fine screens and desilting cones.

Why design one when it has aready been done by mud cat dredge.

As louis said a detriter will work with a dreging head.



Reply To Muscling In On Mussles Etc.

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 10:12

Hi All,

This comment attracted my attention in that there were a series of misquotes in its substance and I have added my comments in brackets behind the original comments.

I am only commenting from experiences of many decades and having worked with Mudcat styled machines and towed dredges with special adaptions over the years.

Differing jobs require differing solutions and that is my experience. Please fully quote what you are trying to achieve and what the outcome you would like to see so others can comment in a real context.


YOU DO NOT TOW A DREDGE WHILE IT IS WORKING!!!! [WHY NOT? We have done so when clearing and deepening a full small boat harbour. SO Again, WHY NOT?]

A dredge must be anchored to work either with leg anchor poles or a number of cable anchors!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [What if the dredge is self motoring to maintain a constant movement over the seabed towing a suction extracted material from a picked rotary head 10 metres wide to cut the seabed down by 450mm.]

the mud cat folks offer a remote control dredge that is track driven for shallow depth applications. [Yes, Mudcats do have their place but are or can be a bit restrictive in getting the job done.]

If you are referring to zebra or quagga mussels why not say so!!!!!!!

Killing those mussels does not solve the problem of mussel spawn where using a mud cat dredge with a solids separator will remove all the solids with fine screens and de-silting cones. [Copper sulphate will also kill the spores as used on the Australia's Great Barrier Reef if used correctly.]

Why design one when it has already been done by mud cat dredge. [There are more than one machine that does the same tasks as the Mudcat.]

As Louis said a detriter will work with a dredging head.

Mechanical Doctor There is No such thing as a PROBLEM, just an ISSUE requiring a SOLUTION email:- [email]tecmate@bigpond.com[/email] Patented conveyor Products DunnEasy Idler Assembly & Onefits conveyor Idler Roll [WINNER] Australian Broadcasters Corporation's TV 'The New Inventors' Episode 25 - 27th July 2011 [url]http://www.abc.net.au/tv/newinventors/txt/s3275906.htm[/url]

Reply To Muscling In On Mussles Etc.

Posted on 18. Feb. 2009 - 10:12

Hi All,

This comment attracted my attention in that there were a series of misquotes in its substance and I have added my comments in brackets behind the original comments.

I am only commenting from experiences of many decades and having worked with Mudcat styled machines and towed dredges with special adaptions over the years.

Differing jobs require differing solutions and that is my experience. Please fully quote what you are trying to achieve and what the outcome you would like to see so others can comment in a real context.


YOU DO NOT TOW A DREDGE WHILE IT IS WORKING!!!! [WHY NOT? We have done so when clearing and deepening a full small boat harbour. SO Again, WHY NOT?]

A dredge must be anchored to work either with leg anchor poles or a number of cable anchors!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [What if the dredge is self motoring to maintain a constant movement over the seabed towing a suction extracted material from a picked rotary head 10 metres wide to cut the seabed down by 450mm.]

the mud cat folks offer a remote control dredge that is track driven for shallow depth applications. [Yes, Mudcats do have their place but are or can be a bit restrictive in getting the job done.]

If you are referring to zebra or quagga mussels why not say so!!!!!!!

Killing those mussels does not solve the problem of mussel spawn where using a mud cat dredge with a solids separator will remove all the solids with fine screens and de-silting cones. [Copper sulphate will also kill the spores as used on the Australia's Great Barrier Reef if used correctly.]

Why design one when it has already been done by mud cat dredge. [There are more than one machine that does the same tasks as the Mudcat.]

As Louis said a detriter will work with a dredging head.

Mechanical Doctor There is No such thing as a PROBLEM, just an ISSUE requiring a SOLUTION email:- [email]tecmate@bigpond.com[/email] Patented conveyor Products DunnEasy Idler Assembly & Onefits conveyor Idler Roll [WINNER] Australian Broadcasters Corporation's TV 'The New Inventors' Episode 25 - 27th July 2011 [url]http://www.abc.net.au/tv/newinventors/txt/s3275906.htm[/url]

Dredge Polka

Posted on 19. Feb. 2009 - 01:53
Quote Originally Posted by tecmateView Post
Hi All,

This comment attracted my attention in that there were a series of misquotes in its substance and I have added my comments in brackets behind the original comments.

I am only commenting from experiences of many decades and having worked with Mudcat styled machines and towed dredges with special adaptions over the years.

Differing jobs require differing solutions and that is my experience. Please fully quote what you are trying to achieve and what the outcome you would like to see so others can comment in a real context.


YOU DO NOT TOW A DREDGE WHILE IT IS WORKING!!!! [WHY NOT? We have done so when clearing and deepening a full small boat harbour. SO Again, WHY NOT?]

A dredge must be anchored to work either with leg anchor poles or a number of cable anchors!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [What if the dredge is self motoring to maintain a constant movement over the seabed towing a suction extracted material from a picked rotary head 10 metres wide to cut the seabed down by 450mm.]

the mud cat folks offer a remote control dredge that is track driven for shallow depth applications. [Yes, Mudcats do have their place but are or can be a bit restrictive in getting the job done.]

If you are referring to zebra or quagga mussels why not say so!!!!!!!

Killing those mussels does not solve the problem of mussel spawn where using a mud cat dredge with a solids separator will remove all the solids with fine screens and de-silting cones. [Copper sulphate will also kill the spores as used on the Australia's Great Barrier Reef if used correctly.]

Why design one when it has already been done by mud cat dredge. [There are more than one machine that does the same tasks as the Mudcat.]

As Louis said a detriter will work with a dredging head.

Ok how is a cutter head dredge or bucket wheel dredge allowed to work while being towed @ 3 plus knots!

Dredge Polka

Posted on 19. Feb. 2009 - 01:53
Quote Originally Posted by tecmateView Post
Hi All,

This comment attracted my attention in that there were a series of misquotes in its substance and I have added my comments in brackets behind the original comments.

I am only commenting from experiences of many decades and having worked with Mudcat styled machines and towed dredges with special adaptions over the years.

Differing jobs require differing solutions and that is my experience. Please fully quote what you are trying to achieve and what the outcome you would like to see so others can comment in a real context.


YOU DO NOT TOW A DREDGE WHILE IT IS WORKING!!!! [WHY NOT? We have done so when clearing and deepening a full small boat harbour. SO Again, WHY NOT?]

A dredge must be anchored to work either with leg anchor poles or a number of cable anchors!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [What if the dredge is self motoring to maintain a constant movement over the seabed towing a suction extracted material from a picked rotary head 10 metres wide to cut the seabed down by 450mm.]

the mud cat folks offer a remote control dredge that is track driven for shallow depth applications. [Yes, Mudcats do have their place but are or can be a bit restrictive in getting the job done.]

If you are referring to zebra or quagga mussels why not say so!!!!!!!

Killing those mussels does not solve the problem of mussel spawn where using a mud cat dredge with a solids separator will remove all the solids with fine screens and de-silting cones. [Copper sulphate will also kill the spores as used on the Australia's Great Barrier Reef if used correctly.]

Why design one when it has already been done by mud cat dredge. [There are more than one machine that does the same tasks as the Mudcat.]

As Louis said a detriter will work with a dredging head.

Ok how is a cutter head dredge or bucket wheel dredge allowed to work while being towed @ 3 plus knots!

Underwater Crusher

Posted on 20. Feb. 2009 - 02:29

To my knowledge, the Port of Rotterdam uses small towed devices to clear the bottom from small scrap materials. This system with small adjustments should suffice for the collecting part. On the breaker part, however, I don't know of any underwater device, except for heavy duty dredging purposes.

Good luck on your quest,

Gabril Buijs

The Netherlands

Underwater Crusher

Posted on 20. Feb. 2009 - 02:29

To my knowledge, the Port of Rotterdam uses small towed devices to clear the bottom from small scrap materials. This system with small adjustments should suffice for the collecting part. On the breaker part, however, I don't know of any underwater device, except for heavy duty dredging purposes.

Good luck on your quest,

Gabril Buijs

The Netherlands

(not verified)

Underwater Crusher

Posted on 20. Feb. 2009 - 07:45
Quote Originally Posted by diablo30seView Post
I'm in need of a design firm or someone who could help design a Towed Underwater device that would move along the sea bottom, collecting and crushing small Mussels. Any help on this would be appreciated.



Dredging of mussels can have negative impacts on the harvest grounds and has been blamed for a significant proportion of the removal and degradation of oyster reef habitat.

Our solution is a dedicated equipment having a structure as follows:

1.Track-Drive Unit

-Electric over hydraulic power

-Duck bill suction


-Remote video control


-Auxiliary lighting

2.Suction Unit

-Suction hose

-Compressor for airlift effect

3.Crushing Unit

Shells crushing device integrated into the hose in the process stream

4.Separation Unit

Adrian T. Diaconu

Development Consulting SRL

Ploiesti, ROMANIA

(not verified)

Underwater Crusher

Posted on 20. Feb. 2009 - 07:45
Quote Originally Posted by diablo30seView Post
I'm in need of a design firm or someone who could help design a Towed Underwater device that would move along the sea bottom, collecting and crushing small Mussels. Any help on this would be appreciated.



Dredging of mussels can have negative impacts on the harvest grounds and has been blamed for a significant proportion of the removal and degradation of oyster reef habitat.

Our solution is a dedicated equipment having a structure as follows:

1.Track-Drive Unit

-Electric over hydraulic power

-Duck bill suction


-Remote video control


-Auxiliary lighting

2.Suction Unit

-Suction hose

-Compressor for airlift effect

3.Crushing Unit

Shells crushing device integrated into the hose in the process stream

4.Separation Unit

Adrian T. Diaconu

Development Consulting SRL

Ploiesti, ROMANIA

Underwater Crusher

Posted on 21. Feb. 2009 - 11:21

Dear Sir,

Can you please send me details on the subject device?

Underwater Crusher

Posted on 21. Feb. 2009 - 11:21

Dear Sir,

Can you please send me details on the subject device?