Cyclone and Filter Receiver Airlock Leakage

Posted in: , on 28. Jan. 2009 - 04:38

Trying to learn here about Rotary Airlock Leakage on a negative pressure system. Our conveying systems consist of a air intake point, feed point fed by just an open pipe, a cyclone with a Rotary Airlock, a Filter Receiver with an rotary airlock, then the blower.

Would excessive cyclone RA leakage cause these things:

- decrease in cyclone collection efficiency

- decrease in conveying velocity at the pickup point

- anything else?

Also would the excessive Filter Receiver R/A leakage:

- decrease in Receiver leakage

- decrease in cyclone efficiency

- decrease in conveying velocity at pickup point

- anything else?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Cyclone And Filter Receiver Airlock Leakage

Posted on 28. Jan. 2009 - 03:51

Yes, if the air leakage at either or both of the rotary airlocks is excessive, it can result in too low of a pick up velocity which can create a whole list of conveying problems, including cyclone efficiency


Re: Cyclone And Filter Receiver Airlock Leakage

Posted on 3. Feb. 2009 - 08:06


For both of these rotary valves you should calculate their leakages before making any changes to system design. You may as well have a sufficiently high pick-up velocity even due to these leakages. If you need help on these calculations, you may refer to my article on this subject published in Chemical Engineering in 2005.


Amrit Agarwal

Consulting Engineer

Pneumatic Conveying Consulting

Email: polypcc@aol.cpm