ATEX for shiploading

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 9. Oct. 2008 - 14:31


I'd like to know if there are any country - specific or port - specific regulations towards shiploading systems for handling coal regarding ATEX. I' m especially interested if there's some knowledge somewhere about the development of dust / CO - gases within a bulkers cargo hold when loaded. Did someone judged it necessary to employ ATEX-rules to electrical equipment that reaches into the vicinity / right into the cargo hold?

Many thanks in advance (as I'll be out of office sometimes..)


Re: Atex For Shiploading

Posted on 10. Oct. 2008 - 05:25

If you have sparky stuff poking about down in the coaler's hold then it had better meet the ATEX regulations & very rightly so.

The trick is to keep electrical bits away from the hold; which for bulk shiploading is pretty easy after all.

Roland Heilmann
(not verified)

Re: Atex For Shiploading

Posted on 13. Oct. 2008 - 03:44

I have some sensors and a trimming spoon with 2 electrical drives. Those I classified to ATEX - demands, only I'd very much like to know whether someone really met this problem and which assumptions for the classification / formalism were made.

Thanks for answering!
