Economy in Motion

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Posted in: , on 13. Sep. 2008 - 12:03

September 12, 2008

Economy in Motion symposium to provide focus on freight issues

At A Glance

Who:.................. Port of Vancouver

What:.............. Economy in Motion Symposium

When:....... Friday, September 26, 2008, 7:30-11 a.m.

Where:............... Vancouver Hilton

Quick Facts:

A symposium on the movement of goods, job creation, and attracting and retaining business in the Pacific Northwest … Keynote speaker is Kate Vitasek, a world-renowned expert in supply chain management.

VANCOUVER, Washington – The Port of Vancouver will host Economy in Motion, a symposium on the movement of goods, job creation, and attracting and retaining business in the Pacific Northwest, Executive Director Larry Paulson announced today.

The event, set for Friday, September 26, 2008 at the Vancouver Hilton, is scheduled for 7:30-11 a.m.

Congestion, fuel costs and workforce accessibility are influencing business productivity and jobs generation. As a trade-reliant region, this area’s response to these issues will determine its ability to attract and retain business and jobs. Economy in Motion will bring national experts and local business leaders to Vancouver to share their perspectives on how the region’s transportation system affects the bottom line, and determines where and how businesses locate and thrive.

Paulson, Jason Tell, region one manager for the Oregon Department of Transportation and Paula Hammond, secretary of transportation in the State of Washington will deliver welcoming messages under the theme “The Road to our Economy”.

Keynote speaker Kate Vitasek – a thought leader in supply chain management – will talk about the supply-side and demand of business on the transportation. Her discussion will address the affect of transportation systems on how, when and where products are supplied, manufactured and distributed, and how it influences where businesses and jobs locate.

A Business Leaders Panel – including Peter Bragdon of Columbia Sportswear, Roger Qualman of Norris Beggs and Simpson; Joel Halloren of Fred Meyer; Jeff Arntson of Albina Fuel and Allan Stray of Tetra-Pak Materials – will share their specific uses of the goods and freight system and the impacts of the region’s transportation system on their ability to grow. The panelists will share their advice on how this trade-dependent region can compete on the roads, rivers, rail and runways.

Finally, Ginger Metcalf, the executive director of Identity Clark County, will provide an overview of some of the region’s biggest freight-related projects, including the Columbia River Crossing and an upcoming region-wide freight study.

Event sponsors include the ports of Vancouver and Portland, Identity Clark County, the Portland Business Alliance, The Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce, Greenlight Greater Portland and the Washington State Dept. of Transportation.

About the Port of Vancouver USA

While working on some of the most important port development on the U.S. West Coast, the Port of Vancouver USA is cooperating with its tenants and customers to schedule and maximize business potential during construction. The end result will show why the port is “On Track to the Future,” as the completed developments will mean expansion of business and resulting new jobs for the community.

The Port of Vancouver USA, created by Clark County taxpayers in 1912, is one of the major ports on the Pacific Coast. Its competitive strengths include available land, versatile cargo handling capabilities, vast transportation networks, a dependable labor force and an exceptional level of service to its customers and community.

For more information contact:

Nelson Holmberg, Communications Manager

direct: 360.992.1107

mobile: 360.518.2553

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