4th World Conference on Sampling & Blending (WCSB4)

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 28. Jul. 2008 - 11:41

4th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB4)

Good day to you!

By now many of you will be aware that the next World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB4) will be held in Cape Town during October 2009.

The many successful sampling conferences that have been held around the world in recent years are testimony to the need for ongoing scientific

discussion on all issues related to sampling. The first three WCSB conferences formed the foundation for ongoing debate amongst sampling practitioners and produced publications of a high standard.

WCSB4 is being organised under the auspices of the South African Institute for Mining and Metallurgy, The Geological Society of South Africa and The Geostatistical Society of South Africa. The WCSB4 Organising Committee invites authors who wish to participate in this exiting event to submit an abstract (not exceeding 300 words) for consideration. All papers accepted by the review committee will be published in the conference proceedings prior to the event. The deadline for abstracts is the 30th November 2008.

Representatives from many countries around the world have already expressed an interest in participating in WCSB4 on a wide range of subjects. Much of

the interest so far has been from the mining sector and associated industries but the Organising Committee are hoping to attract participation from non-mining fields.

Further information about the conference and about Cape Town is available on http://www.wcsb4.com/ and information will continue to be added in the coming months. South Africa is a very affordable destination and offers amazing value for the tourist. We will be including several links on our web site that may be of interest to you and your spouse.

The success of the WCSB conferences is, in part, due to generous sponsorship from those involved in the sampling. I am pleased to announce that Rocklabs, ESSA and Snowdens have already kindly offered to sponsor WCSB4.

For further information about WCSB4 please contact me directly on info@wcsb4.com.

We look forward to hearing from you and hope you are able to visit Cape Town in the spring of 2009.


Sean Duggan



Cape Town 2009


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(not verified)

Wcsb4 - Sampling & Blending

Posted on 12. Dec. 2008 - 11:45

4th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB4)

Dear Sampling Colleagues

You are invited to attend the 4th World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB4) to be held in Cape Town, South Africa, in October 2009.

WCSB4, under the auspices of the SAIMM, GSSA and GASA, promised to be an exciting gathering of sampling experts and professionals from around the world. We anticipate that papers to be delivered will demonstrate technical excellence and stimulate debate and that the conference will serve as a platform for professionals in the field to share ideas and challenges - and innovative solutions.

If you are interested in delivering a paper, and have not already submitted an abstract for consideration please do so by the end of January 2009. The WCSB4 Committee will finalise the programme by mid-February and submissions of selected papers will be required by end April.

Cape Town is a beautiful, world class city. Set within a unique floral kingdom, the city offers a wide range of activities and experiences: spectacular scenic drives, pristine beaches, diverse cultural activities and opportunities for sophisticated wining and dining.

I look forward to welcoming you to WCSB4 and to hosting you in our city at the tip of Africa!

Best Wishes

Sean Duggan

Chairman WCSB4


sampling (PDF)

4th World Sampling & Blending Conf.

Posted on 2. Jun. 2009 - 03:59

4th World Sampling and Blending (WCSB4) Conference,

Cape Town, South Africa, October 2009

The Fourth World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB4) will be held in Cape Town, South Africa

during October 2009.

WCSB4 follows the first three successful WCSB conferences held in Esbjerg (2003), Brisbane (2005)

and Porto Alegre (2007), and, in keeping with the wishes of the First WCSB committee to hold the conference on all the major continents, the next venue will be Africa i.e. Cape Town.

The WCSB was initiated in Denmark as a forum for interaction between sampling practitioners from different disciplines operating in a diversity of fields such as mining, industry, agriculture, environmental sciences, medicine, pharmacy and others.

Despite the many applications and numerous challenges facing samplers throughout the world there is commonality to be found in the application of principles and in finding solutions.

The WSCB conferences are aimed at improving the level of understanding of the theory and practice of sampling, encouraging best practice and allowing an exchange of ideas associated with the theory of sampling and the practical application. Along with a worldwide focus on corporate governance in recent years there is a greater need for compliance with international standards and reporting codes.

Sampling results form the foundation on which many important (and often costly) decisions are based and errors associated with poor sampling are simply compounded when the results are used for further interpretation (e.g. estimation).

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or assistance.


Raymond Van Der Berg

Southern African Institute of Mining & Metallurgy

Tel 011 834 1273/7

Fax 086 684 0453/ 011 838 5923


sampling - second circular



sampling - second circular

href="http://www.wcsb4.comhttp:/www.wcsb4.com" target="blank">http://www.wcsb4.comhttp:/www.wcsb4.com

Additional information:

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