Staorage of inflammable powders

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 2. Apr. 2008 - 14:52

Need to know from allof you what care is taken while storing inflammable & dangerous powders in factories.

What is distance maintained between 2 bins storing these powders, IS THERE open space around these bins etc.

Local laws in India do not say much about storage of inflammable or hazardous powders.

Flammable Goods Storage

Posted on 7. Apr. 2008 - 01:59

Hi prabuddha,

There are British and Australian Standards for the storage of Flammable Goods. These go into all those matters.

Talk to the Fire Department, or Fire Insurance Company. Alternatively contact the Australian Standards Association.

Regards - John.rz

Silo Design For Inflammable Powders

Posted on 12. Jun. 2009 - 04:29


you may look for an safe design of silos and explosion protection equipment

a company with wide expirience is Thorwesten Vent:

+ ex-proof silo designs (Pred = 2 barg)

+ ex-venting: re-usable self-reclosing explosion doors

for a few pictures you can click on:

+ ex-venting

+ ex-silos

Also you may consider inertization to prevent explosions and fires, added to CO and O2 monitoring

+ tipical coal grinding and storage

Best regards

carlos schultz

buenos aires
