University Honours Thesis

Posted in: , on 1. Apr. 2008 - 00:31

Hello All,

I am doing my final year university thesis "Computer Design of Conveyor Belt Systems".

Is the CEMA Belt Book (latest edition) the best book to buy regarding design of conveyor belts? Will this cover all the calculations and everything I need to design diffenent conveyor belt systems?

Is it really so expensive? Is it worth it? and the correct purchase for my needS?

Also, can anyone recommend publications on various belt materials and tables of properties, idlers and properties, supports etc. Or will this be included in the CEMA BELT BOOK above.

Thanks I will be truely greatful for anyones help.

Any other suggestions or ideas welcome.


Re: University Honours Thesis

Posted on 1. Apr. 2008 - 12:14

I am doing my final year university thesis "Computer Design of Conveyor Belt Systems".

Nice, but can you design a belt conveyor belt without a computer?

Is the CEMA Belt Book (latest edition) the best book to buy regarding design of conveyor belts? Will this cover all the calculations and everything I need to design different conveyor belt systems?

There are other books and standards you can use.

Is it really so expensive?

Yes, pay up and look big.

Is it worth it? and the correct purchase for my needS?

Can you design a belt conveyor without it (or something like it)?

Also, can anyone recommend publications on various belt materials and tables of properties, idlers and properties, supports etc. Or will this be included in the CEMA BELT BOOK above.

Information can be obtained from the manufacturers of components used in belt conveyors.

You are at university. Doesn't your library have a copy of this book, or can't they obtain a copy on loan from somewhere else?

Have you searched for the belt conveyor programs that already exist and seen the features that they provide?

Personally I think you need to be able to design a belt conveyor WITHOUT a computer before trying to use a computer.


Posted on 1. Apr. 2008 - 12:25

Obviously I will do the calculations first without a computer and then finally I will create a programme which can do all the calculations for me or whoever wishes to use such a piece of software.

Sorry my title is "computer aided design of belt conveyors"

Have you searched for the belt conveyor programs that already exist and seen the features that they provide? What do you mean by this?

How do you obtain info form manufacturers? Do they freely give this out? Is it free of charge?

Re: University Honours Thesis

Posted on 1. Apr. 2008 - 12:30


Have you searched for the belt conveyor programs that already exist and seen the features that they provide?

I had not thought of this, thankyou. do you know of any similar programmes? Are there many on the market? I am a complete novice in terms of the industry and any direction would be greatly appreciated.

"There are other books and standards you can use. "

Can you suggest any? Are standards freely available to joe public? How/who do you obtain these from?


Re: University Honours Thesis

Posted on 1. Apr. 2008 - 12:51

You're doing an undergraduate honours degree at a UK university.

I have to be surprised your library cannot get you the necessary books. In addition to CEMA there is the MHEA "Recommended Practice for Troughed Belt Conveyors" (a UK publication), and the book by Mr Mulani (a regular poster at this site). They should also be able to obtain standards. My local Technical College could 30 years ago!

I might have expected that an undergraduate working on bulk materials handling might have searched the forum (and Googled) for both books on belt conveyors and belt conveyor design software. There is a specific forum for "software" which has references to various programs.

Re: University Honours Thesis

Posted on 1. Apr. 2008 - 02:45

I have looked at many books I was asking if I am correct in my assumption that the CEMA book is the "best" one to buy for my needs.

Just wanted some pointers about how to aquire data tables and resources etc

Sandvik China
(not verified)

Re: University Honours Thesis

Posted on 21. Apr. 2008 - 08:07


designer was giving you RIGHT suggestion.

before you making this university honours thesis, understand how to design a conveyor first, not just ask someone which book is useful, in fact , the software you did may a kine of process, not only a book can solve your problem.