7 km Long Pipe Conveyor

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 28. Oct. 2007 - 12:02

I designed one 7km long pipe belt conveyor.

Please give me the suggest.

1. Is the horizontal curve with 72 angle ok?

2. Are the drive-units reasonable?

Technical parameter Table:

1.Material name Limestone

2.Material size 75mm.

3.Material Density 1.44t/m.

4.Load 850t/h.

5. speed 3.15m/s.

6. length 7042m.

7. angle -19~20.

8. pipe 350mm.

9.belt width 1350mm.

10. St2500(8+6)

11.head motor 2x560kw.

12. tail motor 2x560kw.


Is It Ok?

Posted on 31. Oct. 2007 - 05:28

Hi long650101,

For me the numbers look OK - but without any deeper assessment.

1 - Ask the equipment Vendor for a calculation.

2 - You are investing a lot of money. I would go to a Professional Conveyor Design Consultant, and ask him to check the calculation. It may cost you say $3.000 AUD, but you would have the advantage of sound advice, and you will be able to sleep at night.

Regards - Sgt John.Rz


7 Km Long Pipe Conveyor

Posted on 10. Dec. 2007 - 09:23

7 km Long Pipe Conveyor

I designed one 7km long pipe belt conveyor.

Please give me the suggest.

1. Is the horizontal curve with 72 angle ok?

2. Are the drive-units reasonable?

Technical parameter Table:

1.Material name Limestone

2.Material size 75mm.

3.Material Density 1.44t/m.

4.Load 850t/h.

5. speed 3.15m/s.

6. length 7042m.

7. angle -19~20.

8. pipe 350mm.

9.belt width 1350mm.

10. St2500(8+6)

11.head motor 2x560kw.

12. tail motor 2x560kw.



pipeconveyor01 (ZIP)

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: 7 Km Long Pipe Conveyor

Posted on 10. Dec. 2007 - 10:46

Looks pretty similar to your earlier post of October 28 (see top).




Re: 7 Km Long Pipe Conveyor

Posted on 10. Dec. 2007 - 03:06

Originally posted by Xinrong Gong

I designed one 7km long pipe belt conveyor.

Great, now build it and then come back and tell us your experiences.

Re: 7 Km Long Pipe Conveyor

Posted on 10. Dec. 2007 - 05:02

Reasonable ? No.

Asside from missing many critical details, I say your client is spending more and getting less for his money.

I doubt you will be sending the forum details of this, after you push the buttons. Have you ever heard of cork-screwing?

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: 7 Km Long Pipe Conveyor

Posted on 20. Mar. 2008 - 07:41

Your design is identical to KOCH - Cementos Lima pipe.

If you are talking about this project, then, the designer(s) are doing something quite unique and nobody can help.

Nobody knows the real power required to fold and pull the ST2500 during the first start.

I do not know what it takes but I would cool down the VFD my friend!

Kind Regards
