Belt Splice Test

Posted in: , on 10. Sep. 2007 - 10:03

I have seen the standard methods for testing of belt splices (DIN 22110), but they seem to be very professional done in belt manufacturing companies and not applicable in all cases. I want to know if there are other applicable methods to test belt splices. Is this correct to prepare dumb-bells as done in belt tensile tests and determine the tensile strength of the splice or use the adhesion test for plies and ply to cover to see if the adhesion of the splice is acceptable? if so what values can be accepted? I know the tensile strength of the splices are given in the standards(DIN 22102) but I have not seen the magnitude of separartion strength of plies or elongation of the splices in any standard. I also want to know if we have a number of splices in one belt, does the elongation values change?

Is this possible for anyone to send me the English translation of Standards DIN 22102(all parts) and DIN 22110(all parts)?

Re: Belt Splice Test

Posted on 10. Sep. 2007 - 10:07

These standards do not tell you the expectant fatigue life. They only set quality control standards.

If you wish to define splice fatigue strength or endurance verses life cycles, then you seek a completely different methodology.

Then the splice design, core rubber properties, belt design, test proceduresr, pulley arrangements, and conveyor details need to be defined or optimized such that the best performance is achieved.

There are special methods, not commonly published, that can lead to much higher ratings than can be achieved using the DIN standards.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450