Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 6. Sep. 2007 - 09:48

Originally posted by iveeru

We're planning for a conveyor to transport lime stone(6 inches -10inches in size) to 35 ft height @ 30 tph. Please suggest us a suitable design.

Dear Iveeru,

design is depend on layout . can you send layout ?

Then we can deside what is a best way to transport lime stone.


Uditha Kohowala

0094 0777 55 16 50


Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 6. Sep. 2007 - 10:01

A small capacity of large lumps.

Old fashioned maybe, but I might have considered a skip hoist system.

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 6. Sep. 2007 - 02:10

Bucket elevator / and as designer suggested skip hoist - I know of one site which uses both, in the same plant (though one for lime stone, the other for burnt lime)!?

Sandwich conveyor?

Vertical conveyor (pocket belt)?

Other than the skip may be a strech for the size.




Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 6. Sep. 2007 - 02:27

Originally posted by Lyle Brown

Bucket elevator

Might have been my first choice, but 10" lumps means physically a large bucket to avoid the chance of jamming. Then a large bucket is disproportionate for 35 te/hr.

Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 7. Sep. 2007 - 04:44

Russia had a system of a belt attached to buckets which handled ROM with larger lumps than noted in this thread.

The system was made a part of a USBM report on ROM transport about 20 years ago.

THey took a steel cord belt, attached large buckets to them, ran the buckets and belt on rails and there you have your system.

Dr. Olaf Klupfel wrote his doctoral thesis on the concept of using a steel cord belt bucket elevator concept. This work then became the property of Beumer:

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Vertical Conveying Of Limestone

Posted on 7. Sep. 2007 - 07:29

I have followed this thread but did not offer my two cents until a friend suggested I do so.

Handling 6" to 10" material on a Dos Santos Sandwich Belt System is no problem it has been done at several well known installations. The belt width required will depend on the material mix and duty considerations, likely not less than (66") 1676 mm.

Due to the width requirement, then, the rate and profile are far too small for this to result in an economical solution.

The Russian belt car would be phenomenal overkill as it was developed to preclude the need to crush. Proposed material size was 1200 mm. To my knowledge it never established itself as a competitive solution in the open market.

Joe Dos Santos

Dos Santos International 531 Roselane St NW Suite 810 Marietta, GA 30060 USA Tel: 1 770 423 9895 Fax 1 866 473 2252 Email: jds@ Web Site: [url][/url]

Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 7. Sep. 2007 - 08:13

Dear Joe,

I made a mistake and offered a solution for the other thread on steep downhill with large drop and lump size.

I did not offer the Snake due to the very high 800m drop distance and large lumps.

Have you anything close the the 800m drop?

I am pleased to note you are so well read on the many alternatives that do not always become common place.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 7. Sep. 2007 - 09:07

Originally posted by nordell

Have you anything close the the 800m drop?

Where did 800m drop come from??

It's 30 tph lifted 35 feet.

800 M Drop

Posted on 7. Sep. 2007 - 10:34


Where is the other thread (down hill, 800m drop) that you are referring to.

The largest single elevation difference, to date, at a Dos Santos Sandwich Belt is 175 meters (elevating not dropping). This required modest 3-ply 750 PIW belts. Even if 800 meters single drop is not do-able why not multiple flights?

Joe Dos Santos

Dos Santos International 531 Roselane St NW Suite 810 Marietta, GA 30060 USA Tel: 1 770 423 9895 Fax 1 866 473 2252 Email: jds@ Web Site: [url][/url]

Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 7. Sep. 2007 - 10:59

Dear Designer,

I appologized for the errant posting to this thread, in my first paragraph. I thought I was responding to another thread with the 800m drop.

Other thread: Steep Downhill Conveying

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 7. Sep. 2007 - 11:51

Dear Joe,

See other thread: Steep Downhill Conveying

You might find it to your liking.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Steep Downhill Conveying

Posted on 8. Sep. 2007 - 01:11


I can't seem to find that thread, can you be more specific.

Joe Dos Santos

Dos Santos International 531 Roselane St NW Suite 810 Marietta, GA 30060 USA Tel: 1 770 423 9895 Fax 1 866 473 2252 Email: jds@ Web Site: [url][/url]

Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 8. Sep. 2007 - 03:54

Mi Amigo,


Forums > Mechanical Feeding and Conveying > Trough Belt Conveying > Steep Downhill Conveying

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Steep Downhill Conveying

Posted on 8. Sep. 2007 - 06:00


Thanks. I have replied. Take a look when you get a chance.

Joe Dos Santos

Dos Santos International 531 Roselane St NW Suite 810 Marietta, GA 30060 USA Tel: 1 770 423 9895 Fax 1 866 473 2252 Email: jds@ Web Site: [url][/url]

Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 16. Sep. 2007 - 09:30


What would feed the conveyor & what would the conveyor feed? 30 tph x 10m is just about the limit for a bog standard builders chain hoist & kibble setup.

If I were you I'd forget about any conveyor for your job. There's too much of a missmatch.

John Gateley

Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 29. Oct. 2007 - 07:40

A crusher is just what the guy doesn't need to lift 30 tph through 35ft. Did someone say missmatch? Where's that dust extraction salesman gone to? His ten bobs worth is well overdue.

It's got to be a hoist based on the information available so far.

John Gateley

Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 30. Oct. 2007 - 10:02

Should the moderator of these forums start deleting posts that are clearly off topic??


Absolutely, and I am trying my best, but sometimes it is just not possible.

I welcome your help and watch function.

Reinhard Wohlbier



Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 31. Oct. 2007 - 09:03

Dear Sir,

our company is since nearly 30 years in the range of Sidewall-

Conveyor Technology active and have equipped in the meantime more than 500 conveyors. We have great experience in conveying of limestone and want to ask you, to visit our website -

Please contact us for nearer informations respectively fill out our

questionnaire on our website.

Kind regards

Richard Lippert

(not verified)

Continuous Bucket Conveyor

Posted on 13. Dec. 2007 - 09:22

I suggest a Unitrak continuous bucket conveyor. Control fed by vibratory feeder. have the bucket sections sized for rate and lump size.

Contact local rep

Cheaper is inclined belt conveyor if you have the hoorizontal distance.

Re: Continuous Bucket Conveyor

Posted on 13. Dec. 2007 - 10:48

Originally posted by rbentzel

I suggest a Unitrak continuous bucket conveyor.

Um, looks a bit lightweight for 10" lumps of limestone.

Re: Conveyor For Limestone

Posted on 14. Dec. 2007 - 07:14


I have asked you before to explain the input & output conditions of the required VERTICAL CONVEYING OF LIMESTONE lifting procedure.

Just imagine, for a moment, that you are an Engineer. Suppose someone asks you for a price for a bridge to take 35 tonne trucks over a river 60 m wide. Is the river in a gorge, meadowland or wash? We canot give meaningful advice if we do not know the story.

Your apathy to your thread has encouraged the confusion illustrated by (& on) the more recent sales pitched replies.

John Gateley

Vertical Conveying Of Lime Stone

Posted on 22. Feb. 2008 - 05:20

Dear Sir,

I fully agree with the replies of Designer. Also his observation on others reply is very much correct.- & every body should appreciate the same.

