Paddle Mixers for dust and water mixing

nsvarahamurti - Flex Clean Systems Pvt, India
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 20. Jul. 2007 - 16:09

we have a dust collection system in a stone quarry plant.

We collect lot of dust in the bag filter unit (atleast about 2 tons per hour) and handling this dust is a big nuisance and the same is not allowed as per environmental norms.

we are looking for a paddle type mixer below the bag filter unit where the water has to be added to mix with the dust so that a slurry is formed.

This slurry we want to feed back into the system.

Can any one help us in locating suppliers. We need five such systems urgently.

Thanks and advance


Mobile: +91 98 20 62 21 39

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Paddle Mixers For Dust And Water Mixing

Posted on 20. Jul. 2007 - 03:27

Suppliers may include: (I cant locate the OEM website at the moment)

There was a company called Jamcor Engineering [sic] however I cant seem to locate anything on the internet.

I suspect there are others.



Paddle Mixers For Dust And Water Mixing

Posted on 21. Jul. 2007 - 02:09

Try Jacmor Engineering.

The process needs to be a batching one, weigh hopper over mixer, measured quantities of water and dust. You cannot get consistent feed of dust from your baghouse, hence inconsistent slurry density, either too dry or too wet if the process is continuous.

The best people to talk to are Hallweld Bennett: They have tons of experience in handling this exact application.

Michael Reid.

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Paddle Mixers For Dust And Water Mixing

Posted on 21. Jul. 2007 - 02:44

Yes, thanks Michael, that is who I was referring to (I spelled it incorrectly, hence why I couldn’t find anything…):

Transmin, may have something also:

You will need to confirm the suitability of the suppliers for your self. I know of "issues" associated with some of the potential vendors that have been provided, hence I suggest you request a reference list (a number of people who bought their product and will vouch for it) also.

I suspect there are others.



Re: Paddle Mixers For Dust And Water Mixing

Posted on 21. Jul. 2007 - 02:15

You need a twin vertical shaft mixer; so you can feed between the mixing impellers. You are looking at a Chemineer level 8 of agitation, or 9, if you need to maintain a stable pulp or dilute slurry. You will have no problem at your product sizes & feed rates. See what Lightnin or Mixtec can do for you. Your main issue is finding a Linatex rubber lined pump small enough for your available water/slurry flows.

John Gateley

Re: Paddle Mixers For Dust And Water Mixing

Posted on 21. Jul. 2007 - 03:59

In addition, Lyle mentioned Transmin & issues. I've had, am still having, issues with all except the 2 manufacturers I now recommend. When you ask for a reference list the others all boil down to "Well we've made something similar:::but for a different material of course." Of course! Pulping is despairingly frought with chancers so be very careful.

Weir Warman of Warman Pumps fame also make an upstream Attritor Unit which you could put in the system. Then you could recirculate to maintain a homogenous pulp in the mixing tank & just send the effective high high to high(or low) fluid onwards. It means 2 rubber lined valves but they'd be cheaper than the mixer. The only trouble is you'd have to fork out for a Warman pump which would be just about run in when the rest of your plant had clapped out. Still there's a resale value in it somewhere.

John Gateley

nsvarahamurti - Flex Clean Systems Pvt, India
(not verified)

Paddle Type Mixers For Bag Filter Dust In A Quarry Plant

Posted on 22. Jul. 2007 - 05:38

Dear Lyle, Michael and John

I thank you for your wealth of knowledge and experience sharing.

I have found out a supplier by name WAM in India who are working on our requirement.

This forum is really a helpful platform for not only sharing the problem but also getting the appropriate knowledge sharing.

I thank once again to all of you for your kind guidance

I look forward to meeting you all if the luck permits in the near future some where. If you happened to be in India then kindly contact me on my cell phone: +91 98206 22139 and would be most happy to meet you.


N S Varahamurti

Re: Paddle Mixers For Dust And Water Mixing

Posted on 17. Aug. 2007 - 06:51

Dear Sir:

We would need to know hourly volume of dust to be mixed and the amount of water to be added?

Would you like to consider a continuous single rotor paddle mixer for this application?

I am based in Canada and would welcome your call. Visit for more info.


Lyndon Flower

Best Regards, The Mixer Guy
(not verified)

Bhs Mixers

Posted on 25. Aug. 2007 - 04:03

Dear Mr. Varahmurthy,

We have specially designed single-shaft mixers for the application. This are made at our Germany factory. I will try to be in touch with you over phone, if not than you may contact me at 09350990680 / 09959433337


Neelesh Desai

(not verified)

Re: Paddle Mixers For Dust And Water Mixing

Posted on 13. Dec. 2007 - 11:57

You need a Scott HST turbo mixer:

The high speed breaks the partical and water cohesion.

They build a specific design for under Fly Ash Silos to keep the dust down before entering dump trucks.