Explosion-proof belt scale

Posted in: , on 3. Jun. 2007 - 21:40

Hello every body,

We're searching six conveyor belt scales. They're used for coal mining. Our requirement:

+ Product: coke coal

+ Humidity: >= 80%

+ Enviromental: Detonating gas class II.

Five to ten m3 gas per 1 ton coal per day night.

-35 meters in depth.

I hardly to find the explosion-proof belt scale. I hope anybody could give me the suppliers or a certain solution.



Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Explosion-Proof Belt Scale

Posted on 4. Jun. 2007 - 12:04

I am not sure I understand the question, however see following list for potential explosion proof weighers in Australia:





I am not sure they all have explosion proof versions, you can investigate.

There are weigh feeders available also (available in explosion proof versions – I suspect), which may be suitable for your task.



Re: Explosion-Proof Belt Scale

Posted on 4. Jun. 2007 - 02:13

These days "explosion proof" tends to be a bit of a wide description. It usually need to be qualified with more detailed local regualtions.

Re: Explosion-Proof Belt Scale

Posted on 4. Jun. 2007 - 04:25

I can't find anything in these webs. Who know others?

Lyle Brown
(not verified)

Re: Explosion-Proof Belt Scale

Posted on 5. Jun. 2007 - 12:40

You may like to try contacting them (send them an email to confirm if they supply suitably rated equipment).

From my layman perspective, I assume this is mostly an exercise of the electrical design / supply being suitable for your hazardous application (you may like to specify your requirements when you contact them).

I assume you have determined it is not feasible to install the unit outside the hazardous area (to simply things).



Explosion Proof Belt Scales

Posted on 7. Jun. 2007 - 01:49


We have done a few explosion protected belt scale systems.

The hazards are explosive dusts and explosive gases. The protection for the field equipment is the same in both cases, Instrinsic Safety. We put approved IS barriers in the electronics enclosure and the equipment in the field can be pretty much standard. The electronics and barriers have to be in a safe area, this can be a location like an MCC away from the hazardous area or inside an explosion protected enclosure. For gases, this is a Flameproof box, for dusts this is a Dust Ignition Proof (DIP) box. Most main stream belt weigher electronics sets can work through barrriers, so you should really have a wide choice of options available. DIP protection for a series of belt weighers in a coal reclaim tunnel is our most common explosion proof application.

Regards, Ian Burrell, Control Systems Technology Pty Ltd.

Regards L. Ian Burrell Managing Director CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY http://www.controlsystems.com.au ___________________________________________________ ( +(61) 2 9584 2566 Mobile +(61) 419 292 604 Ê +(61) 2 9584 8080 + PO Box 249 Mortdale NSW, Mortdale NSW 2223, Australia Unit 9, 41-45 Lorraine St, Peakhurst NSW 2210, Australia : iburrell@controlsystems.com.au

L. Ian Burrell

Posted on 7. Jun. 2007 - 04:54

Could you send me the belt scale system documents which you used?

About a belt scale, it have a intergrator, a speed sensor and a few loadcells. I have just read some information tell that Loadcell don't need IS certification. I think that mean a common loadcell can operate in a hazardous area. The intergrator, I can put in a safe cabinet. But the speed sensor, I can't find explosion-proof speed sensor or the way to isolate it from the hazardous area.


(not verified)

Explosion Proof Conveyor Belt Scale

Posted on 7. Jun. 2007 - 10:14

Thermo Fisher Scientific, formerly Thermo Ramsey and Ramsey Technology, offers belt scales for a variety of hazardous applications. Please contact us with additional details and we will be glad to discuss equipment for your application and provide you with a quotation as applicable.

Thermo Fisher Scientific 763-783-2500 US.

Re: Explosion-Proof Belt Scale

Posted on 11. Jun. 2007 - 03:48

Merrick Industries has been manufacturing belt scales for 99 years and we can provide you with belt scales for hazardous areas. Please contact us so we can discuss your options.

Merrick Inc.

800-345-8440 Toll Free

850-271-7845 Direct line

Please visit our website: www.merrick-inc.com

E Nolte

Merrick Inc.