Bucket wheel recliamer

Posted in: , on 23. Apr. 2007 - 11:59

Hi, We have a bucket wheel reclaimer on site where the cables crriers inside the inner slew have collapsed and because of the limited space within i am batteling to find a company who are able to replace the current system in a short period, was wondering if anyone might have a suggestion on a company we could approach or how we could resolve this issue as atthe moment we can only slew 90 degrees either side as per the 270 we usualy can do

Re: Bucket Wheel Recliamer

Posted on 23. Apr. 2007 - 11:23

Cheers R Kid,

Have a word with what's left of Metool in Nottingham. They should be able to put you in touch with suitable sparkies.

John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com

Thank John

Posted on 23. Apr. 2007 - 11:44

However we did approach Metool and when they saw the job they quickly withdrew the quote as wasto challenging even for them, but thanks for your imput

Re: Bucket Wheel Recliamer

Posted on 24. Apr. 2007 - 03:07

Post a few piccies so we can see the job & then you might get a flood of offers.

I remember Stan Walkers BRC at Port of Tyne, 1983, which had the cable trays solid from deck to boom, no sliprings or slack cable or anything. We were expecting something very clever to happen on start up but the cables just got ripped away, as we all thought they might.

Sometimes you're lucky to get 180 degrees.

If you're really in it; you could temporarily run the cables outside; dangling outside with XS catenary being taken up by a small spring loaded reel or reels. It depends on what the layout is at present.

I'd come & have a look if I was handy but I've taken up a contract in Perth & should be in WA for a few more months.

John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com

Re: Bucket Wheel Recliamer

Posted on 25. Apr. 2007 - 05:50

Originally posted by Dennym Pittaway

Hi, We have a bucket wheel reclaimer on site where the cables crriers inside the inner slew have collapsed and because of the limited space within i am batteling to find a company who are able to replace the current system in a short period, was wondering if anyone might have a suggestion on a company we could approach or how we could resolve this issue as atthe moment we can only slew 90 degrees either side as per the 270 we usualy can do

In all truth we need more information:

I agree with john please post a few very GOOD pictures to illustrate the moorings etc.-with no dark spots due to poor lighting.

What if anything have you changed or repaired recently? massive failures are usually indicative of poor maintenance, sub standard replacements, lack of oiling cables or greasing sheaves, too much tension on wire rope, if you are experiencing 180 degrees of slewing the unit per se-it sounds as if the cables are stretched and stress has broken the moorings/slipped the cable clamps etc.

Are there any wire ropes with socketed connections?

What type of wire rope are you using?

how good are/were the welds for the cable carriers?, did they fail?

Do you make it a practice to X-ray your wire ropes?

when was the wire rope was replaced last?, was it measured for the proper length?-wire rope willl missbehave in temperature-expand and contract with use and age.

Is a snubber sheave used to maintain cable tensions?, how many dedicated cables are used for slewing?, Is thier path linear at all times?, what about the cable anchorages at the end points that pull to create resistance for slewing the 270 degrees? are they fully intact?/no broken mounting plates for wire rope anchors etc.

What condition are the sheave blocks?

Are you maintaining proper torsional stress on the cable at all times and oiling the wire rope?

If the bearing quality for the sheaves is poor the whole unit will be affected-happens all the time with poor sheaves and bearing design for hydraulic take ups for conveyors.

I was going to suggest wire guide rollers such as the ones used for decline mines and tugger hoists to raise and lower mine cars in declines but if the cables do not have a proper route -linear fall they will not work, it seriously sounds like a poor wire rope or to much pressure causing the failure.

Re: Bucket Wheel Recliamer

Posted on 28. Apr. 2007 - 05:42

Dear Mr. Dennym,

You have the existing reclaimer and certain electrical items have collapsed / failed. As a general rule, you may take following course of action.

Let the item be examined by your electrical experts who are conversant with such item.

If need be your electrical people will be able to find out the concerned people for such item (flexible electrical connections between relatively moving items). Call / talk to the manufacturer of these types of items in your country and they will either be able to supply you the item or you will get information to refer elsewhere.

Contact the supplier of this machine and he will be the best authority to give you suggestion / help, supply and even supervisor to conduct the installation of the item.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email : parimul@pn2.vsnl.net.in

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916

Re: Bucket Wheel Recliamer

Posted on 4. May. 2007 - 06:36

I worked with a contractor in my Previous assignment where he had replaced slip rings with Drag chain cable system. If this expertise is enough please let me know, I will give his contact details
