Wood Pelleting Plant

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Posted in: , on 27. Feb. 2007 - 15:14

Buhler supplies world’s largest wood pelleting plant

Uzwil, February 27, 2007 - Green Circle Bio Energy Inc., a Florida based company in the renewable energy sector, is building the largest facility for the production of wood pellets in Florida. Buhler is supplying the heart of the processing complex – the wood pelleting system.

Green Circle Bio Energy Inc., an affiliate of the Swedish JCE Group, is investing 100 million US dollars in the world’s largest biomass pelleting plant. The new facility will be constructed in Jackson County, Florida, USA. Buhler will supply the most important section of the facility, which reduces the supplied wood chips and sawdust supplied and then processes them into pellets for industrial use. The new fa-cility is scheduled to go on stream at the end of 2007. It will process 500,000 metric tons of wood annually. This is equivalent to an energy volume of 1.6 million barrels of crude oil.

Buhler was awarded the contract for supplying the most important section of the facility on the basis of its track record in this field, the high performance of its equipment, and its vast experience in building such plants. The Group has been active in the biomass pelleting business since 1996. The signing of this contract allows Buhler to strengthen its position as a leading supplier of large pelleting systems while gaining a foothold in this market segment of the U.S. The majority of wood pelleting systems supplied by Buhler to date have been installed in Germany, Austria, and Scandinavia.

Buhler is a global technology group and system partner for the supply of plant, equipment, and process know-how in Food Processing, Chemical Engineering, and Die Casting, with some 6,000 employees around the world.

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