Volume of air required

Hayath Star
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 13. Feb. 2007 - 10:26

i want to convey the cement from the bulk tanker to silo top. The itself having a compressor, with that i can convey half the height of the silo (approx. 20 m). but now i want to convey it to the silo top (32 m) with external source. so how much volume of air at what pressure at what velocity i need?

RPD - Invista (UK) Ltd., U.K.
(not verified)

Re: Volume Of Air Required

Posted on 13. Feb. 2007 - 02:16

It will be very difficult to split the conveying system as you suggest and it is not possible just to add additional gas to the pipe half way up to convey it the rest of the way.

You can probably use the onboard blower on the delivery tanker if you can accept a longer discharge time for the tanker, if not, you will really need to install a dedicated tanker offloading system from ground to the top of the silo.

The company who supply the tanker should be able to advise the offloading time for your full 32 m lift. There are many different types of tanker with different operating pressures and blower sizes so it is not possible for anyone in this forum to advise without more information.

Re: Volume Of Air Required

Posted on 13. Feb. 2007 - 03:52

Gentleman, You can also go for the following systems --

1. Install a small hopper of 50-70 t on the ground

Feeding to this hopper shall be done by compressor of cement bulker .

Extraction from this steel silo to main silo shall be done by two methods--

1.By Pnuematically.

2. By Bucket elevator.


Re: Volume Of Air Required

Posted on 13. Feb. 2007 - 06:23

Dear Mr Hayath,

Conveying cement to an elevation of 32 meters from a bulk truck into a silo is common practice.

If you can let us know the tank blower type and volume (m3/min and pressure) and the pipeline diameter and number of bends, then it is just a 1-minute calculation to determine the conveying rate.

Designing an alternative set-up is also no problem.

The effect of a half way booster can be made clear in these calculations as well.

Feel free to respond.

best regards



Hayath Star
(not verified)

Re: Volume Of Air Required

Posted on 14. Feb. 2007 - 05:24

Blower is piston compressor with 8 m3/min with 2 bar.

diameter of main conveying pipe is 4 inches.

2 no of 90 degree bends.

thank you

Re: Volume Of Air Required

Posted on 14. Feb. 2007 - 05:36

Dear Mr Hayath Star,

Please note this summary of the various calculations of your bulktruck cement conveying system.

In the attachment you will find the capacity/pressure tables.


pipeline 20 m vertical – 4”

compressor 0.1333 m3/sec (8 m3/min)

capacity 56 tons hr – 2 bar

pipeline 32 m vertical – 4”

compressor 0.1333 m3/sec (8 m3/min)

capacity 43 tons hr – 2 bar

pipeline 32 m vertical – 4”

compressor 0.1333 m3/sec (8 m3/min)

booster 0.1333 m3/sec after 20m vertical

capacity 38 tons hr – 2 bar

pipeline 20 m vertical – 4” and 12m vertical 6”

compressor 0.1333 m3/sec (8 m3/min)

booster 0.1333 m3/sec after 20m vertical

capacity 59 tons hr – 2 bar

pipeline 32 m vertical – 6”

compressor 0.2 m3/sec (12 m3/min)

capacity 88 tons hr – 2 bar

If further information is needed, we will hear from you.




Hayath Star
(not verified)

Re: Volume Of Air Required

Posted on 17. Feb. 2007 - 05:55

thank you Mr.Teus for ur kind help.

it will be useful for me