Help my

Posted in: , on 28. Jan. 2007 - 03:39

dear friends:

hello my name is Adolfo Barrios Lara, I am Chilean and is developing my thesis work of Mechanical engineer on vibrating screens and I write to know to them if some of you can help to find information me of the factors necessary to be able to design a vibrating screens,

I thank for its aid.

excuse my english

my mail is


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Re: Help My

Posted on 28. Jan. 2007 - 10:07


I suggest you visit your Library (Biblioteca) and read a few articles on the subject, or a textbook, and collect bibiliograohical references.

You could already start scanning this Forum. You can start with

and then you have another 255 threads with many posts.

Should you have very specific questions, then you can come back and post them in this Forum.

I wish you a high degree of efficiency!

R.H. Wohlbier


Posted on 28. Jan. 2007 - 05:47

R.H. Wohlbier

thanks for your answer and your guide, I hope to be able to soak to me of this theme, that I have liked much,
