Cement Silo

Posted in: , on 1. Oct. 2006 - 00:14


We are planning to have two concrete silos for bulk cement each 18 dia x 55 meter h, what we would like to know:

1- What is the best height for such a silo?

2- What is the best diameter?

3- The best storage capacity (one compartment)?

4- Is it advisable to go in height up to 60 meter?

5- Who can I find out the initial cost for each silo without the charge and discharge equipment in order to finalize our feasibility study?

Re: Cement Silo

Posted on 11. Oct. 2006 - 01:18

Dear sir,

would you kindly contact me at my personal e-mail,


Manufacturers of Mobile Bagging Machines, belt conveyors, bucket elevators, chain conveyors, mechanical and electro-hydraulic grabs, experts in dry bulk charge, discharge and lightening operations and stevedoring.

Re: Cement Silo

Posted on 1. Oct. 2006 - 10:47

In concrete silos 18dia and 55 meter h what is best to use

inverse cone type flat botom storage?

Re: Cement Silo

Posted on 2. Oct. 2006 - 04:30

Dear Sulaiman.Please find below answers of your querries--

In concrete silos 18dia and 55 meter h what is best to use

inverse cone type flat botom storage?

Answer-- Flat bottom silos--It is not adviseable to us falt bottom silos for the following reasons--

1. The extraction of the material is not 100%,there is always some material left inside the silo,due to this there are chances of cement jamming inside the silos and thus your capacity will get reduces.

2. You cannot have bulk loading below the flat silo due to the position of the columnns below the flat bottom slab.

3. Civil cost is higher .

4. Load on the foundation is higher.

Inverted cone silo is better then flat bottom silo,we are changing the shape of silos from flat to inverted cone in Russia.

If your site is near to sea then in that case best option can be of Dome

(not verified)

Cement Storrage Silo

Posted on 10. Oct. 2006 - 09:36

Dear Mr.Suliaman,

I feel that you can go for a flat storage system which will be economical.

Please let me have an idea , how the cement is received and how it is loaded in to the silo . And how extracted cement distributes and where ? Based on your requirements we can propose a total


Please send us your enquiry to scorhfz@eim.ae

to our Middle east office - Sharjah

