Re: Mechanical Beam

Posted on 5. Aug. 2006 - 09:42

Originally posted by BHASKAR

Dear Sir,

For horizontal screen which(box type or I-beam) Mech Beam sutaible.

You have asked a question for which a suitable answer can not be given as many of the board members will also tell you. You must be more definitive in your question.

Re: Mechanical Beam

Posted on 6. Aug. 2006 - 06:16

Dear Sir,

I am desgining horizontal low head screen of size-3.1x6.2m

with exictor type vibrating mechanism. I have some troble while seleting the Mechanical Beam Section on which above mention exictor type mechanism mounted. Please suggest me that whether i should go for Box type Mechanical Beam or I Section Mechnical beam.

Screens Etc.

Posted on 6. Aug. 2006 - 09:31

You should investigate the VSMA web site to do it properly. There is a lot of design that goes into any screen no matter the type.

Re: Mechanical Beam

Posted on 7. Aug. 2006 - 10:29

If you use a box beam you must be able to weld both sides to distribute the stress throughout the joints. Unless you want a very wide screen you won't be able to get at the last weld runs & so in service the stress distribution will be uneven & the screen will drop to bits pretty quickly.

Consider that you're also going to just about double the vibrating mass of the screen side frames if you use a box beam.

Within reason the cross members will only connect to the inner web etc etc

You BM is next to nothing compared to the stress reversals so where did the box beam idea come from??

John Gateley

Re: Mechanical Beam

Posted on 11. Aug. 2006 - 12:53


It does not matter - you can design whatever you want.


Ziggy Gregory

Re: Mechanical Beam

Posted on 12. Aug. 2006 - 10:50

Based on that advice he probably will.

John Gateley


Posted on 13. Aug. 2006 - 12:21


I believe it is a very good advice - as long as you know how to design it properly. If he has any problems I can do it - anyway what are the consultants for?


Ziggy Gregory
(not verified)

Re: Mechanical Beam

Posted on 20. Jan. 2007 - 10:39

Wether using a closed or open beam type is just a matter of compromise between beam height and resistance to load.

I would say an open type cross section brings easier construction and maintenance , so it should be the first approach for design calculations. How much cross section and section modulus you need to stand shearing and bending stresses? that´s the question.