How much grain handling terminals are in the world?

Posted in: , on 23. Mar. 2006 - 09:58

Is there anyone know how much in the world, aproximately, are port silos, grain handling teminals, and other places where ships are loaded by grain in bulk? And how much of them are load by grabs, by ship loaders, or by pipes with the fixed point of rotation respectively?


Posted on 24. Mar. 2006 - 04:20

Every port is different simply because they transload and reload using a lot of different methods in a lot of ports.

Bernard Burke
(not verified)


Posted on 24. Mar. 2006 - 03:09


I have this information for Canada. Also have information on Bulk storages facilities and quantities handled in Canada.

Please contact by email.


Bernard Burke, Eng.

Re: How Much Grain Handling Terminals Are In The World?

Posted on 17. Jan. 2007 - 01:57

World Grain: has stats pages and should have all the info you need.

GaryHunt - Soros Associates, Australia
(not verified)

Grain Terminals

Posted on 5. Feb. 2007 - 10:54

Hi Vladimir,

We can assist you with information regarding grain terminals in Australia. Feel free to contact me by email.

Best regards, Gary

Re: How Much Grain Handling Terminals Are In The World?

Posted on 6. Oct. 2006 - 03:19

dry cargo international has a monthly magazine - once a yaer they have a grain terminal review - R/jerry