Viscosity of Coal Tailings Paste

Richard Fox - Halliburton, Australia
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 8. Mar. 2006 - 07:23

Hey everyone

I have read a few posts on how dependent viscosity is on a variety of factors. However, I am just doing some rough calculations for pump selection etc (this is a feasability study), so I am just after a rough idea, a ball park figure so to speak for viscosity. the details are below.

Material: Coal Tailings:

Max partical size: 50mm

Water Content: 40-50% weight

If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know. This is the first time we have looked into this option of paste disposal of tailings, so we don't have a lot of knowledge on it. Can anyone recommend any literature/contacts in Australia.

Also, what should be added to make it more a paste, I have heard cement is good, but is there something else, or do I even need to add anything.

Thanks for the help.


Coal Tailings

Posted on 9. Mar. 2006 - 12:00

The only problem you have is that coal tailings/paste are not a viscous fluid.

rather a semi solid.